ESP32 S3 Box3

with this firmware voice assistant it blocks after some request do you have the same problem??

Well youkorr, I fixed the quotation marks, but itā€™s still not working so maybe thatā€™s why?

Hey there,

maybe you can help me with the following condition?

  1. Iā€™m using the implementation of the at581x which came with ESP 2024.4 in my configuration.
  2. I also have the ā€œradar durationā€ which shuts off the Display, if no motion will be detected for amount of ā€œxā€ seconds
  id: "Radar"
  i2c_id: bus_b

  - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO21
    name: "Presence detect"
    disabled_by_default: false
    publish_initial_state: true
    device_class: "occupancy"
      - delayed_off: !lambda return id(radar_delayed_off).state * 1000;
        - if:
              switch.is_on: mute_when_absent
              - switch.turn_on: mute
              - light.turn_off: led
        - if:
              switch.is_on: mute_when_absent
              - switch.turn_off: mute
              - light.turn_on: led

  - platform: template
    name: "Presence duration"
    id: radar_delayed_off
    icon: mdi:account-clock
    optimistic: true
    restore_value: true
    initial_value: 60
    min_value: 0
    step: 5
    max_value: 300
    unit_of_measurement: s
    entity_category: config
    mode: box  

  - platform: at581x
    at581x_id: "Radar"
    name: "Enable Radar"

  - platform: template
    name: "Mute when absent"
    id: mute_when_absent
    icon: mdi:account-right-arrow
    optimistic: true
    entity_category: config
    restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_OFF

now, the at581x comes with an additional switch, with which you can enable / disable the radar sensor at allā€¦
So I would like to do the following:

Only if radar is enabled, the device should actually shut the display off when no motion will be detected.
Else, it will shut off - but it does no longer activate itself, because the radar has been disabled.

I think, this should be in the conditions of the binary_sensor?

My preference for the idle screen is to display a large timestamp as opposed to the tiny timestamps on a lot of these examples. I have it like this:

  - file:
      type: gfonts
      family: Orbitron
      weight: 500
    glyphs: "0123456789:"
    id: font_large
    # bpp: 4
    size: 95
      - id: idle_page
        lambda: |-
          it.printf(160, 120, id(font_large), id(listening_color), TextAlign::CENTER, "%s", id(text_time).state.c_str());

where text_time is a text sensor from HA. I suppose i could use the time component as well. I also have a modification where iā€™ll display a countdown timer if there is a timer going as a visual indicator in our kitchen. Works nicely. I just need to get the wake word to be more sensitive (it seems to have lost sensitivity with the recent updates).

how could I insert it into my compile??

I guess it depends. What does your yaml look like currently? If youā€™re running the default that esphome recommends, youā€™ll need to do a bit of magic where you override the idle page.

  - id: text_time
    platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: sensor.local_clock
        - component.update: s3_box_lcd
  # - id: time_remaining
  #   platform: homeassistant
  #   entity_id: sensor.remaining_time
  #   on_value:
  #     then:
  #       - component.update: s3_box_lcd

# color:
#   - id: countdown_color
#     hex: "FFEA00"

  - id: !extend s3_box_lcd #<---this is the important part.
      - id: !extend idle_page #<---this is the important part.
        lambda: |-
            it.printf(160, 120, id(font_large), id(listening_color), TextAlign::CENTER, "%s", id(text_time).state.c_str());

I have the at581x radar configured, with the following relevant code in my firmware:

  id: "Radar"
  i2c_id: bus_a

  - platform: at581x
    at581x_id: "Radar"
    name: "Enable Radar"

  - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO21
    name: "Presence detect"
    disabled_by_default: false
    publish_initial_state: true
    device_class: "occupancy"
      - delayed_off: !lambda return id(radar_delayed_off).state * 1000;
    (further code here which is not relevant)

However, when I turn the Radar switch on and off I get the following error in my log:

[E][at581x:188]: Failed to write AT581X RF mode

I think this is why Radar is always on even if I turn it off (@CChris, this may be why even when you turn the radar off, the device still shuts off the display when no motion is detected - I presume that if the radar switch worked, and the radar was off, it wouldnā€™t trigger no presence/motion state).

Does anyone else get this error?

I had to change the radar busā€¦
that was a mistake from my side - it is bus_b

  id: "Radar"
  i2c_id: bus_b

with this config, the display goes off, when the ā€œtimeoutā€ for movement has been reached, but then, it will not turn on again, because the radar has been disabled

Thanks for that. I fixed my repository so that the radar works and the display doesnā€™t go off if the radar is turned off.

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impossible compile

ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password


  • file:
    type: gfonts
    family: Orbitron
    weight: 500
    glyphs: ā€œ0123456789:ā€
    id: font_large

    bpp: 4

    size: 95


  • id: text_time
    platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: sensor.local_clock
    - component.update: s3_box_lcd
  • id: time_remaining
    platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: sensor.remaining_time
    - component.update: s3_box_lcd


  • id: countdown_color
    hex: ā€œFFEA00ā€


  • id: !extend s3_box_lcd #<ā€”this is the important part.
    • id: !extend idle_page #<ā€”this is the important part.
      lambda: |-
      it.printf(160, 120, id(font_large), id(listening_color), TextAlign::CENTER,


  • id: bus_a
    sda: GPIO38
    scl: GPIO39
    scl_pullup_enabled: true
    frequency: 50kHz

  • id: bus_b
    sda: GPIO2
    scl: GPIO1
    scl_pullup_enabled: true
    frequency: 50kHz


  • platform: aht10
    i2c_id: bus_b
    variant: AHT20
    name: ā€œTemperatureā€
    id: s3temp
    name: ā€œHumidityā€
    update_interval: 60s

  • platform: adc
    pin: GPIO10
    name: ā€œBattery voltageā€
    id: battery_voltage
    unit_of_measurement: ā€œVā€
    accuracy_decimals: 1
    device_class: ā€œvoltageā€
    entity_category: ā€œdiagnosticā€
    disabled_by_default: true
    update_interval: 30s
    attenuation: auto
    - multiply: 4.11

  • platform: copy
    id: battery_percent
    source_id: battery_voltage
    name: ā€œBattery levelā€
    unit_of_measurement: ā€œ%ā€
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    device_class: ā€œbatteryā€
    entity_category: ā€œdiagnosticā€

    • lambda: return (x - 2.7) / (4.2 - 2.7) * 100;
    • clamp:
      min_value: 0
      max_value: 100


  • platform: template
    name: ā€œPresence durationā€
    id: radar_delayed_off
    icon: mdi:account-clock
    optimistic: true
    restore_value: true
    initial_value: 60
    min_value: 0
    step: 5
    max_value: 300
    unit_of_measurement: s
    entity_category: config
    mode: box


  • platform: gpio
    number: GPIO21
    name: ā€œPresence detectā€
    disabled_by_default: false
    publish_initial_state: true
    device_class: ā€œoccupancyā€
    • delayed_off: !lambda return id(radar_delayed_off).state * 1000;
      • if:
        switch.is_on: mute_when_absent
        - switch.turn_on: mute
        - light.turn_off: led
      • if:
        switch.is_on: mute_when_absent
        - switch.turn_off: mute
        - light.turn_on: led

id: ā€œRadarā€
i2c_id: bus_b

thanks mate, thatā€™s awsome :smiley:
Now, I have just to adjust some of the display elements and place them as I want.

Think that donā€™t seem to work (or maybe, because I made some errors while adopting your changes to my config)

  • volume up/down/speaker mute does not work when it is playing media files (f.e. HomeAssistant RadioBrowser)
  • when itā€™s playing back media, it is using the ā€œreplyā€ image, not the ā€œmedia playbackā€ imageā€¦

I wonder also, if it would be possible, to show somehow where the touch areas on the device areā€¦
Maybe, some color-gradient in the background? :thinking:

Place the yaml between three backticks so we can properly see it. See chapter 11 of:

It looks like you arent using the default s3-box3 yaml configuration but someone elses. If you have the entire config in your yaml, you can just add the color, the text_sensor and the font to those existing sections. Youā€™ll need to expose a local_clock text sensor and a timer text sensor from HA. You can create the timer and a template sensor for local_clock (template is just {{ now().timestamp() | timestamp_custom('%-I:%M') }} ) in your helpers section of devices and this is what i have in my configuration.yaml for remaining_time:

  - trigger:
      - platform: time_pattern
        seconds: '/1'
      name: Remaining Time
      unique_id: remaining_time
    #   availability: >
    #     {{ state_attr('timer.timer1', 'finishes_at') | has_value }}
      state: >
          {% set entity_id = state_attr('timer.timer1', 'finishes_at') %}
          {% if entity_id != None %}
            {{ ((entity_id | as_datetime) - now()).total_seconds() | int | timestamp_custom('%-M:%S', default=0) }}          
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}
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thank you it works

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EDIT: Never mind, my fault.

Itā€™s not your adoption of the code. I consider the box3 to be primarily a voice assistant, rather than a media player (given the low quality of the speaker I didnā€™t think I would use it to listen to anything). As such, I didnā€™t pay much attention to the media player functions, other than using it as a speaker for the VA, and maybe for short announcements. This is why I used the reply image for playback and why I havenā€™t implemented the mute and volume functions when it is playing media (the volume up and down and mute do work during playback [the volume changes and mutes] but donā€™t show on the screen during playback).

I am happy to change the image to a ā€œmedia playbackā€ one, but I donā€™t have an image in that style for that purpose. Do you have one?

In my case, I canā€™t even play anything from the RadioBrowser on it - it fails to play and I am not sure why (it plays local files fine). I may look into making the volume controls graphics work when playing when I have some time, but for my usage it is not really an issue.

With the touch areas, itā€™s a good idea and I am sure it is possible, but I donā€™t really have time to look into it (too many projects :crazy_face:)

Hello all. Well I it seemed to me that my problems were somehow related to either the hardware my HA was installed on or the BOX3 itself. Since I could reflash the origanal espressif demo firmware with no problems I decided to tackle my HA hardware. I set up a NEW HA on a RPI 5 with 8GB ram and a 5 amp Pi power supply. I was sure I was ready to go!
I cleaned out the BOX3, the used ESPHome to re-provision it, set the wifi and add it to my HA. All went well. But when I went to adopt it in ESPHome, the installation threw this out thereā€¦

INFO ESPHome 2024.5.5
INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/esp32-s3-box-3-0502c8.yaml...
INFO Updating
WARNING GPIO0 is a strapping PIN and should only be used for I/O with care.
Attaching external pullup/down resistors to strapping pins can cause unexpected failures.
INFO Generating C++ source...
INFO Updating
INFO Updating[email protected]
INFO Updating submodules (components/esp-sr, components/esp-adf-libs) for[email protected]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/esphome", line 33, in <module>
    sys.exit(load_entry_point('esphome', 'console_scripts', 'esphome')())
  File "/esphome/esphome/", line 1065, in main
    return run_esphome(sys.argv)
  File "/esphome/esphome/", line 1052, in run_esphome
    rc = POST_CONFIG_ACTIONS[args.command](args, config)
  File "/esphome/esphome/", line 479, in command_run
    exit_code = write_cpp(config)
  File "/esphome/esphome/", line 193, in write_cpp
    return write_cpp_file()
  File "/esphome/esphome/", line 211, in write_cpp_file
  File "/esphome/esphome/", line 344, in write_cpp
  File "/esphome/esphome/", line 297, in copy_src_tree
  File "/esphome/esphome/components/esp32/", line 684, in copy_files
    repo_dir, _ = git.clone_or_update(
  File "/esphome/esphome/", line 111, in clone_or_update
  File "/esphome/esphome/", line 31, in run_git_command
    raise cv.Invalid(lines[-1][len("fatal: ") :])
voluptuous.error.Invalid: Unable to find current revision in submodule path 'components/esp-sr'

Anyone care to give me some clues on what is wrong here?
Perhaps my BOX3 is just trashed, even though it is connected to my network and HA and appears to be ready to have the YAML installed.
Iā€™m really stumped.

Clean your build files and try again.

Thank you janstadt. I agree with you and I do a ā€œclean build filesā€ each time I try to do an install. After everything Iā€™ve tried Iā€™ve concluded that the box3 is defective. My conclusion is based on the fact that under the original espressif demo flash, only the temp/humidity and media player actually work.
I think Iā€™ve exhausted my Box3 patience.
Thank you for replying.

Hello with the project of Lajos who gives me his authorization to modify it and post it to you he did a good job

S3-Box-3-firmware-fork/firmware.yaml at main Ā· youkorr/S3-Box-3-firmware-fork (