I’m having issue finding correct board type for ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 and ESPHome.
Here the support is confirmed https://esphome.io/components/esp32.html
ESP-IDF Framework 4.4.1 supports it too.
name: esp32-test1
board: ESP32S3
type: esp-idf
I’m getting “This board is unknown, please set the variant manually.” no matter what I try. Is there any list of boards I can choose from or what is the right one for esp-idf and ESP32-S3?
Thanks, format isn’t my issue, I have it in correct format in YAML file.
Here the formating just shows it W/O spaces.
The error is about “board: ESP32S3” value
Hi, I found out that for ESP32S3 I can use esp32-s3-devkitc-1 board but I’ve to change framework type from esp-idf to arduino also, there are issues with some devices such as SPI
The only way I can get your code to run is to use platform version: 5.0.0 and then it doesnt compile anyway.
Has anyone gotten this board running with esphome?
Hi, yes, I was able to use ESP32S3 and update the firmware using UBS. After a lot of tests I was able to compile using Arduino and esp-idf frameworks. Also, the platform-version must be the latest available. At a certain point I decided to purchase an ESP32-WROOM32-D and replace the ESP32-S3 because I was unable to do OTA programming. I have a copy of the original yaml file in another computer. Give me some time to expose the header here.
When I use this board definition on my T-Camera ESP32-S3 with an WROOM-1 module the board get into a bootloop. There is a watchdog trigger it looks like. (see log below)
Is the PMU supported in this definition?
I have read somewhere that the power supply driver is not in in this board definition.
Is there any definition that does support the PMU?
Find below the configuration that is working for me. Only thing left is if I enable the logger and do not connect a terminal to the uart the board resets. disabling the logger as below avoids the reset.
lambda: |-
auto axp2101 = new AXP2101Component();
return {axp2101};
id: axp2101
board: esp32s3box
type: arduino
# Set this to the IP of the ESP
# Set this to the IP address of the router. Often ends with .1
# The subnet of the network. works for most home networks.
ssid: !secret Wifiap1
password: !secret Wifipw
ssid: !secret Wifiap2
password: !secret Wifipw
ssid: !secret Wifiap3
password: !secret Wifipw
Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails