Hi All,
Just looking for some input on the subject of 32/8266 wifi sensors.
I have been using for the past 12 months or more esp8266’s with tasmota for temp/hum/movement/lux sensors. I connect them to HA via MQTT and to be honest I’m pretty impressed at the ease and reliability.
I recently purchase trial esp32 and an esp32cam boards.
I have since discovered that getting tasmota on them is near impossible (for me anyway) and now I’m at a crossroad as to where to go.
- Can I use tasmota, and the HA gui module with ESPHome.
- If I am generally going to stay with devices on the esp8266 line can I program up the esp32’s remotely with another tool and connect them to HA after flashed.
I’m not looking for a “whats better then the other” discussion but a how can I use these boards in conjunction or your better doing it this way advice.
Sorry if this is a bit newbie but not 100% of how this is laid out.