ESP32 wifi connection

Hi, I am unable to connect to my wifi

Static ip info seems to be under your fallback, shouldn’t that be higher?

Below wifi?

Or are you using dhcp?

doesnt the manul IP section go under wifi: and not under the fallabck ap: section? E.g.:

  ssid: "<SSID>"
  password: "<password>"

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Fallback Hotspot"
    password: "2FRSOigSzvZW"


I’m no expert mind you:)

Was it always called ‘garage’? Can you find the ip on your network?

I just called “garage” so I know which one it is, NO I can not see the hotspot and the IP in my network

I think you do not understand how it works.

The hotspot is a fallback hotspot, where the esp acts as a wifi hotspot in case it can’t connect to your wifi.

A static ip adress cannot be set in your esp hotspot. But can be set to overcome dhcp issues (if they ever occur) and/or reduce dhcp response time etc.

You must or:

  1. Place the static ip below the wifi section or
  2. Find out what the address is via your router.

A. You must be sure that is you use dns the name garage.local is resolvable.

If not, then:

Set "use_address " in your config for 1. or 2.

Also good advise it to set in the esphome addon settings:
status_use_ping: true

This overcomes the obligation to use dns.

Bottomline… start reading on

Stop posting pictures of text files!