ESP32 Wiring scheme 2x8ch relay

Hi all,

We’re trying to setup 1x ESP32 with 2x8ch relay modules (please find wiring scheme).
The relay modules receive power and can be invididual toggled as switches in home assistant.
We tried to attach a pushbutton to the ESP to trigger a scene in HASS.
However, it keeps turning on/off without even pushing a button (see log).

YAML config - binary sensor part:

  - platform: gpio
    name: "esp01_button01"
    id: esp01_button01  
      number: GPIO34
      mode: INPUT_PULLUP
      inverted: True

        - switch.turn_off: esp01_r2_8_button_led

(Manually switching “esp01_r2_8_button_led” works fine as said before)

We think some wiring is incorrect. I think we lack some knowledge regarding electronics.
Could someone check the wiring scheme and clarify what is wrong/give your opinion?
Please don’t hesitate to ask for more information.
Thanks in advance.