ESP32 with MAX31855 and MAX6675

Can I connect a MAX31855 and a MAX6675 to the same esp32? How would I define both? New to ESP coding…

Just see the examples at the EspHome website. You cannot use the same pin numbers twice. Therefore just change the pin numbers accordingly.

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:mag: Search — ESPHome :mag_right:

It’s the spi that I’m having issues understanding, can i specify several spi?

  - id: probe01
    miso_pin: D8
    clk_pin: D6
  - id: probe02
    miso_pin: D2
    clk_pin: D4

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Yesterday I found this example which is exactly what you’ve mentioned:

  - id: probe01
    miso_pin: D8
    clk_pin: D6
  - id: probe02
    miso_pin: D2
    clk_pin: D4

  - platform: max6675
    name: "Probe01 Temperature"
    spi_id: probe01
    cs_pin: D7
    update_interval: 10s
  - platform: max6675
    spi_id: probe02
    name: "Probe02 Temperature"
    cs_pin: D3
    update_interval: 10s
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