ESP32 wont install

I have an ESP32 dev board from aliexpress.
When I started I got prompted to open ESPHome Web. In this interface I was able to connect to my ESP32 and prepare for adoption. After that it showed up in my home assistant and I configured the yaml file to my liking. I tried to install the file from HA but it gave an error (I forget what it said specifically but it was about the network), so I downloaded the file and moved back to ESPHome Web and tried to install through that interface. It just sat there for like 20 minutes on a loading screen before I pulled the plug and tried again. I can still connect to the device in ESPHome Web, and when I check logs it is just an error message on repeat `flash read err, 988’ when I google this error I get results for error code 1000. If I try to prepare for adoption or to install the file I prepared I just get the same loading screen.

What device type is specified in your ESPHome YAML?

I believe this is what you are referring to (I can’t seem to get the formatting for the forum to work as my keyboard I’m currently using doesn’t have the appropriate key)


board: esp32dev


type: arduino

Use esp32_wroom_02 instead:

I’m not sure what to do with that, the link appears to be for an ESP8266 board and when I put that into my yaml it throws errors when I try to validate the file.

Also, I don’t seem to be able to actually write to the board, it just gets stuck when I try to do anything.

OK, so I have no idea what went differently but it is working now. Through ESPHome Web I again tried to install my original file and this time it just worked. No clue why it would have behaved differently this time as compared to the last hour of troubleshooting but it is working now.

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I goofed. Wrong link, wrong device. I apologize for my mistake.

No worries. Anyway its spontaneously decided to start working after an hour of refusing to work.