ESP32C6 Zigbee water tank level using ultrasonic distance sensor

I wanted to track how much water was in my rainwater tank and get it reported to me via Zigbee. Buying an existing thing was too expensive, so I DIY’ed it. I used an ESP32 C6 and JSN-SR04T ultrasonic sensor. The problems along the way were absolutely gnarly, and I wouldn’t normally bother posting a DIY project, but I hope that my learnings help anyone else considering something like this. The ESP32 C6 Zigbee stuff is fairly new so there isn’t much help on google if you run into nightmarish problems like I did (I could only pray).
Here’s the rough project description: GitHub - Aralox/esp32c6_zigbee_ultrasonic_distance_sensor
Have FUN and please feel free to contact me if you run into problems or need help. :slight_smile:



Nice, I have a 300 gallon fresh water butt that I would like to track. I might try your solution but externally, as in, press the ultrasound close to the top from outside, and measure it that way. I do not want to drill holes on the lid.

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