Got a few ESP8266 modules (Wemos D1) for Christmas, super simple to program using Arduino IDE.
All seems to work and integrate correctly with HASS using MQTT.
The problem was running the modules after few days will crash the whole raspberry pi 2.
Note, I had Owntracks working properly for several months without issues, problem started when added the ESP8266 modules connected thru MQTT Mosquitto running on same RPI2.
Any tips to troubleshoot debian?
Running HASS 0.34.2, Mosquitto 1.4.10
mosquitto.conf is super simple:
user mosquitto
log_dest file /var/log/mosquitto/mosquitto.log
listener 1883
allow_anonymous true
@gpbenton Thanks for taking the time. I had the RPi2 running perfectly with HASS for about a year so far, no problems. MQTT was running also properly on same RPi2 with OwnTracks. All good
The problem started after adding the ESP8266 modules connecting locally on MQTT port 1883, For now, turning the ESP8266 modules off, and see if problem continues…maybe will set ESP8266 modules to use aREST instead of MQTT
Simply sending a few more MQTT messages to the PI won’t be causing an issue - it is, by design, a very light weight protocol. Using aREST will probably be harder work for both you and the PI.
Of course, what the Pi does when it receives the MQTT messages might be a problem, but even that’s unlikely if it worked fine for a few days after you started the sensors.
You can use the system monitor sensor to report the status of various topics on the PI, if the syslog isn’t saying anything useful.