ESP8266-01, DS18B20 Temperature sensor running Tasmota yaml?

I am tinkering with some different Temp sensors, and i was wondering what the Config.yaml txt would like for this particular setup? I have tried different examples on both HA and Tasmota sites but they havnt worked.

I’ve just added two of these temperature sensors to HA via a Wemos D1 mini running ESPEasy which has native support for these sensors. Was very easy to set up.

Sample config from my sensor.yaml

  platform: mqtt  
  state_topic: "/esp01/Kitchen/Temperature"  
  name: "Kitchen Temperature"  
  unit_of_measurement: "°C"

Thank you but im using tasmota.

You could flash it to ESPEasy if Tasmoto doesn’t work for you. Just an idea.

I have tried ESPEasy in the past and it didnt work well for me.