I’m replacing a failing Alusta house ventilation system controller with a esphome based controller and sensors.
Yesterday evening I took apart the airflow sensor that comes with this system. It turns out is quit a simple sensor: 12V DC input and the (analog) output based on airflow is 0.5 to 4.5V DC.
I have measured the output voltage and indeed it goes up if the airflow is increased by a higher FAN speed. lowest is 0.5 (no airflow), highest is 4.5V (max speed).
How can I precisely reduce the voltage from 0.5-4.5V to 0-1V or 0-3,3V so the ADC of my esp8266 can read the full range of values?
I am not that familiar with electronics, so I need some expert help
The size isn’t hugely important except to say that you don’t want to go too small and allow a high current flow.
The ratio is what’s important for a voltage divider, and according to the above calc you want a ratio of 3.5 : 1 to size your resitiors.