ESP8266 development board at 110-230v

Hello, I wanted to ask: Do you know of any development board based on the esp8266 that can be powered at 110-230v with some (>=4) digital GPIO outputs?

Basically I want it to connect to a light box and use a normal button like a mqtt button leaving some reserve pin.

You can use the Sonoff Basic which has a few GPIOs avail.

Or this one:

Or this one if you don’t mind the extra footprint and relays

It is close to what I say, but I cannot put it inside the mechanism box due to the size, for this, there are too many relays, it can be used for something else

Do you need a dev board. Or just switches/ buttons and relays?
In the last case, I would suggest to check out some sonoff switches.
Also. Esp8266. Might not powerfull enough for >4 gpio. So maybe you want esp32 if you are settled on a dev board.

For power it should not be a problem, but I said esp8266 basically because it is more widespread, what I want in a board that I can connect to 110/230v with 4gpio to be able to use them for pushbuttons, relays or other types of actuators/sensors