I have a couple of DHT22s hooked up to NodeMCU ESP8266s around the house. I’m integrating them into HA using ESPHome which has worked great. The update interval for the Temperature and Humidity from the DHT22 is set for 60s. That said, I’m now noticing that often it is not being reported to HA for much longer than this for some reason. See the pictures below of the temp and humidity sensors from the same DHT22, but having been updated in HA 20ish and 40ish mintus ago. So not only are they not updating every 60 seconds, but they’re also not updating at the same time - in this case, almost 20 mins apart.
When I go into the log of the device in ESPHome, it is reporting temperature and humidity every 60 seconds.
Has anyone experienced this? Any ideas on why the ESP is reporting every 60 seconds but HA isn’t getting it every 60 seconds?