ESP8266 ESP-01 trigger relay momentarily on power cycle

I currently control my garage shutter with raspi GPO with wiring running to garage controller. I would like to replace it with wireless solution so I bought ESP8266 ESP-01 and flashed it with Tasmota. Everything works fine except upon power cycle ESP8266 it momentarily turns relay on and open garage shutter which is not ideal. How can I disable this trigger on power cycle? It happens immediately on power cycle and I believe before Tasmota loads. Please help
link to device that I am using

This is a hardware problem. The ESP-01 is probably not the best device for this It has a limited number of GPIO and they all have issues:

GPIO0 - connected to FLASH button, boot fails if pulled LOW
GPIO1 - HIGH at boot, debug output at boot, boot fails if pulled LOW
GPIO2 - HIGH at boot, connected to on-board LED, boot fails if pulled LOW
GPIO3 - HIGH at boot

So unless you can make your output normally HIGH, you would be better off with a Wemos D1 mini or the ESP32 variant.

They have loads more i/o so you dont run into these issues. Check the tables on these pages for the best outputs to use (scroll down to the tables):

Thanks Tom, it does seems like hardware issue as it happens much before Tasmota loads. I will have a look at the link.

Thanks again.

@tom_l , I have flashed wemos di mini with Tasmota. Issue I am facing now is that in Off state relay turns on and when I turn tasmota to ON then relay turns off. I am using generic template with GPIO 12 as relay 1.

.What I am doing wrong?

The ESPHome category is probably not the best place to post then.

I found the solution, changing it to Relay1 i resolved the issue