I’m still getting my feet wet with ESPHome. For my next project, I’d like to read binary values from five GPIO pins. Using a number of on-line resources such as this page, it looks like I’ll be able to safely use:
GPIO12, GPIO13, GPIO14, GPIO4 and GPIO5.
While building this, it occurred to me I have an extra Dallas DS18b20 one-wire temperature sensor left over from my last ESPHome project. I’d love to be able to add this to the same project. But I’m running out of unambiguously “OK” GPIO pins according to the link above (and others.)
I’m not sure whether or not I can use any other pins which aren’t clearly labeled as “OK” for input. Do any of the caveats listed on that page apply here? Should I give up and just stick with the five inputs I’ve got? Those are already tested and working great.
Thank you!!