ESP8266 into existing alarm DSC System

@Dilbert66 is there any ready PDB design with opto isolated connections for Wemos D1 Mini?

palivoda, Not that I know of.

Hey! The finalized project looks great on a printed PCB, congratulations!
Have you had any issues running it 24/7? Is a battery backup system preferable or will it just reboot fine in case of power loss, in your opinion?

I’m also wondering how expensive it is to have such a pcb printed locally, did you get a quote from local electronic shops?


Dear Dilbert66, dear All,

I’m wondering if it is possible to use the approach you describe in this topic to integrate a siemens ic60 alarm into home assistant. I could not find a relevant topic. Could you please give some suggestions?

Thank you very much!

Sorry, no this application will not work with that alarm panel.

If you power the ESP via USB does that mean you do not connect the red bus wire to the ESP at all and tie the panel ground (black) to the ESP ground pin?

That’s correct.

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One more question, I’m going to start with an esp8266 and get that working first since that seems to be what everyone to date has done here. However, I also have an esp32 with Ethernet which is my planned final implementation. Has anyone else done this? I’m wondering if there are pin assignment considerations that I need to factor in given the onboard Ethernet obviously consumes some pins and special gpio’s.

I have not tried ethernet but I would not think it would be an issue since you can switch pins around to suit your needs. I would just suggest you use the ESP32 right away anyhow and initially use wifi and perhaps switch to ethernet later. The esp8266 is getting tight on some resources if all features are enabled.

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Thank you for the quick reply. I’ll certainly do that then. I don’t know it’s the type of config that would choke an esp8266 but I’m looking at 8 onboard hardwire zones plus 16 more via two zone expanders, a 8 output pgm expander and some misc wireless items tossed into the mix as well. I will also have two partitions setup.

Should not be an issue.

Started from this January, I switched to ethernet connection for my dscalarm. I used a Wireless Tag WT32-ETH32 which is based on ESP32. Before that, I need to put a WiFi extender in the basement solely for the dscalarm implemented on ESP8266.

I designed a printed circuit board and can share if needed.

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@wkchick Amazing. I would love to see your printed circuit board?

Hello, you have really done a wonderful job.
I am currently working with an esp8266 esp-07 programming it from an arduino UNO.

is the connection the same?

Do I need to make any changes to the programming?

I’m new to this, thank you very much!

R2, R3 = 15k
R4, R5 = 10k
R6 = 1k
Q1 = 2N3904

Yes you will need to change the configuration to match your pin setup since you are using gpio12 instead of the default gpio15
In the dscalarm.h file at the top, change the esp8266 write pin define to:

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Just an FYI, i’ve updated the “new” branch with a bunch of new functions. Full multi partition support should now be possible with one ESP with the ability to have multiple virtual keypads. I’ve also added full text editing to program functions. You can basically use the virtual keypad to program your system.

Please note that this version is still very much in development and thus still experimental so some functions might not behave as expected. So far it works fine on my systems.

I’d also recommend that you use esphome api encryption for increased security in your yaml config. I don’t have it setup in my project to simplify the testing. One odd aspect of using encryption is that after
updating firmware, you might need to do a reload of the config from the esphome integration.

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@PipeDeveloper by chance, did you develop a board for an esp32? Thanks!

The esp32 d1 mini pro version works fine.


Finally getting to this project and am looking forward to getting direct access to my panel (thank you!)

The “new” branch, is that a dev branch baca stable/release branch?

Well, the “new” branch was technically my experimental / concept testing branch but since it’s gotten less experimental I will move it to the dev branch soon. Still a bit more testing before I move it as a release to the master branch. For one thing, it has issues with the lower resource ESP8266. I have to see if I can optimize better to support it. For now, it runs great on the ESP32. Honestly I would recommend using an ESP32 anyhow since it’s not that much more expensive and provides so much more in resources. You can even run ethernet with it.

Edit: I’ve optimized the code quite a bit and there should not be any issues using an esp8266 now.