ESPHOME 2021.10.0 Panel doesn't show Devices ONLINE or OFFLINE

Not sure if this is a bug or others are seeing the samething. I updated the Addon in HA for ESPHOME and updated all my ESPs. None of them are showing ONLINE anymore.
BUT they are showing and reporting data to HA.

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So I forced a INSTALL on ‘frontgaragedoor1’ , no changes to the Yaml. And now the other ESPs show offline. But they are online. Example ‘alarm’ ESP is tied to the front door of the house and when I open it, it registers in HA as OPEN.

Aaahh. Thanks. Had not seen that. Bummer there is no option to turn it back on if the end user wanted too

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There is a discussion going on, on the ESPHome discord channel “dashboard” about the recent changes, you can add your opinion over there as well.