ESPHOME 2024.7.0 is voice assistant not working?

So, as far as I know esphome 2024.7.0 comes with the micro_wake_word support. I use M5 Stack Echo 5 with the ready made projects from esp home website. As I had problems with the update from inside home assistant I removed my M5 from esp home and from HA and installed it new from the website. But when I want to add it it asks for the encryption key so I need to update it via cable.
But after that it does not start anymore and see error in logs

[08:52:45]E (823) esp_image: Image length 1835664 doesn't fit in partition length 1835008
[08:52:45]E (823) boot: OTA app partition slot 0 is not bootable
[08:52:45]E (825) esp_image: image at 0x1d0000 has invalid magic byte (nothing flashed here?)
[08:52:45]E (833) boot: OTA app partition slot 1 is not bootable
[08:52:45]E (839) boot: No bootable app partitions in the partition table

Latest version I used was the one before the timer released.

My next step was now to check the code on GitHub and here I saw I can not find the micro_wake_word in the code, latest update on GitHub was 2 weeks ago. Has that not been added yet?

But more important, why can I not install and run the m5 stack code anymore.

So the main problem seems to be when I try to adopt it, after installing it works and can be added to Home Assistant, but adapting into esp home breaks it what I see.

I’m having this problem too

Even ff I don’t adopt, I can’t get the voice assistant to wake.

I can use the entities within the device to turn the listen light on and off.

Same here, wake word does not work anymore and micro_wake_word is not yet added it looks like

Same here. Waiting for 7.1

I’ve just installed and there is no improvement for me.

Same here. Tried out 2024.7.1 from both the Settings tab and ESP Home dashboard both seem to fail. I have this same result from the ESP Home dashboard gives me this extra detail.

RAM: [== ] 18.4% (used 60348 bytes from 327680 bytes)
Flash: [==========] 99.7% (used 1829021 bytes from 1835008 bytes)
Building .pioenvs/m5stack-atom-echo-0f9fc8/firmware.bin
Creating esp32 image…
Successfully created esp32 image.
esp32_create_combined_bin([“.pioenvs/m5stack-atom-echo-0f9fc8/firmware.bin”], [“.pioenvs/m5stack-atom-echo-0f9fc8/firmware.elf”])
Wrote 0x1d0250 bytes to file /data/build/m5stack-atom-echo-0f9fc8/.pioenvs/m5stack-atom-echo-0f9fc8/firmware.factory.bin, ready to flash to offset 0x0
esp32_copy_ota_bin([“.pioenvs/m5stack-atom-echo-0f9fc8/firmware.bin”], [“.pioenvs/m5stack-atom-echo-0f9fc8/firmware.elf”])
========================= [SUCCESS] Took 68.45 seconds =========================
INFO Successfully compiled program.
INFO Resolving IP address of m5stack-atom-echo-0f9fc8.local
ERROR Error resolving IP address of m5stack-atom-echo-0f9fc8.local. Is it connected to WiFi?
ERROR (If this error persists, please set a static IP address: WiFi Component — ESPHome)
ERROR Error resolving IP address: Error resolving address with mDNS: Did not respond. Maybe the device is offline., [Errno -5] No address associated with hostname

My only indication that it’s connecting at all is that I can turn on and off the listen light. Trying to pull up the logs in ESP Home Dashboard give sthis error.

WARNING Can’t connect to ESPHome API for m5stack-atom-echo-0f9fc8.local: Error resolving IP address: [Errno -5] No address associated with hostname (APIConnectionError)

But I think I am connected to it, since I can change the light. I’m not really sure.

I had been having some similar issues with my Atom Echo, which I described here:

Basically, I was out of flash, and had to disable the newly added OTA http_request platform. I also had to remove BLE Improv to make my device work as a proxy.