[10:31:06][W][component:214]: Component display took a long time for an operation (0.08 s).
[10:31:06][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[10:31:07][W][component:214]: Component display took a long time for an operation (0.08 s).
[10:31:07][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[10:31:06][W][component:214]: Component display took a long time for an operation (0.08 s).
[10:31:06][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[10:31:07][W][component:214]: Component display took a long time for an operation (0.08 s).
[10:31:07][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
hi, does anyone have an esp32 2432s024c (C-USB) board working via ESPHome in Home Assistant? please yaml.The touch chip is on the xpt2046 board. thanks
Here is my test but non-working touch screen. yaml for ESP32-2432S024C (usb C)
sda: GPIO27 # Orig pôvodny 27 bol pre 2.8" LCD ale pre 2.4" I'll fix that after I enable touch.
scl: GPIO22 # Orig pôvodny 22 bol pre 2.8" LCD ale pre 2.4" I'll fix that after I enable touch.
scan: true
id: bus_a
- id: lcd
clk_pin: GPIO14 # Orig gpio 14 for 2.8" LCD but for 2.4" ???
mosi_pin: GPIO13 # Orig gpio 13 for 2.8" LCD but for 2.4" ???
miso_pin: GPIO12 # Orig gpio 12 for 2.8" LCD but for 2.4" ???je
- id: touch
clk_pin: GPIO25 # Orig gpio 25 for 2.8" LCD but for 2.4" ???
mosi_pin: GPIO32 # Orig gpio 32 for 2.8" LCD but for 2.4" ???
miso_pin: GPIO39 # Orig gpio 39 for 2.8" LCD but for 2.4" ???
- platform: ili9xxx
model: ILI9341
spi_id: lcd
cs_pin: 15 # Orig gpio 15 for 2.8" LCD but for 2.4" ???
dc_pin: 2 # Orig gpio 2 for 2.8" LCD but for 2.4" ???
rotation: 90
invert_colors: false
update_interval: 5s
platform: xpt2046
spi_id: touch
cs_pin: 33 # Orig gpio 33 for 2.8" LCD but for 2.4" ???
interrupt_pin: 36 # Orig gpio 36 for 2.8" LCD but for 2.4" ???
update_interval: 150ms
threshold: 400
calibration: # Setting about for 2.4 " ???
x_min: 1000
x_max: 3000
y_min: 1000
y_max: 3000
mirror_x: true
mirror_y: false
swap_xy: false
- platform: ledc
pin: GPIO27 # Orig gpio 21 for 2.8" LCD but for 2.4" is ok 27 ???
id: former_led_pin
- platform: ledc
id: output_red
pin: GPIO4 # Orig gpio 33 for 2.8" LCD but for 2.4" 33 is ok
inverted: true
- platform: ledc
id: output_green
pin: GPIO16 # Orig gpio 16 for 2.8" LCD but for 2.4" 16 is ok
inverted: true
- platform: ledc
id: output_blue
pin: GPIO17 # Orig gpio 17 for 2.8" LCD but for 2.4" 17 is ok
inverted: true
- platform: monochromatic
output: former_led_pin
name: "Display Backlight"
id: back_light
restore_mode: ALWAYS_ON
- platform: rgb
name: LED
id: led
red: output_red
green: output_green
blue: output_blue
restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF`