ESPHome add-on won't start, but everything works!


Strange issue here.

I got some devices (8286…) that work perfectly well, even the addon refuses to start. I got a popup saying “Unknown error, see supervisor”. Love it, almost Windows blue screen silly message haha.

Sorry just joking.

I’m on HA Supervised on Debian 11, virtualized on HyperV, Windows Server 2019. Yeah, quite not the simplest install, but everything works seemlessly but that strange issue.

Python is 3.9 (I’ve read some issues about that), and ESPH is 2021.9.3.

Core and Supervisor run latest releases, Docker is 2.10.8.

Full backup is ok, ready to try crazy things.

Any help would be appreciated…




I have had the same issue but only after downgrading to core-2021.9.7
I found a older post where they just reinstalled esphome remove it and install again it worked for me also

Was bit scared cause i dint whant to loose my devices but my trough i can always do another full restore

Hi Trunk,

Thanks for reply.

I got this :

> 21-10-12 10:58:42 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.utils.json] Can't write /data/addons/data/15ef4d2f_esphome/options.json: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/data/addons/data/15ef4d2f_esphome/tmp3ufkvlqb'
> 21-10-12 10:58:42 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.addon] Add-on 15ef4d2f_esphome can't write options

Is there any risk with de-installing re-installing process ?


Just google that error or on the forum i had the exact same issue
I have resolved it by reinstalled i am not sure about the risk but my trough was i can always do a full restore

Thank you a hundred times. I’ll first make a backup through Samba/Windows, because it appears, as in the tread you mention, that ESPHOME can’t backup. But it shoul be no risk as a lot of people seem to have solve this like you with no damage.

Wow, that’s huge.

  • Backup
  • Deinstall
  • Install
  • works and all devices are green lighted.

Thanks again, @trunks403


Youre welcome ! :smiley:

That is the way

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