ESPHome - Alarm Control Panel - "Cannot arm home when not supported"

Hi there,

I’ve setup an Alarm Control Panel with ESPHome but when I want to “Arm Home” then I get the error “Cannot arm home when not supported” in the web_server interface.

Has anybody had the same problem?
What is actually the problem and how can I solve it?

Kind regards!

How to someone guess an issue with no configuration published…

Do a search for the error message you are getting.

I did, but all I can find is a reference to the “alarm_control_panel_call.cpp”.

I tied to follow the documentation of the “Alarm Control Panel Component” and used the example in “Template Alarm Control Panel”.

I can’t figure out, why everything works except the “Arm Home” function.

I would be thankful for any help or hint.

Kind regards.

I could just solve the problem by adding the configuration variable “bypass_armed_home: true” to a zone.

Now it works.