ESPhome and energy monitoring

So, im looking for options for Energy monitoring using esphome. I was going to go with home assistant GLOW however due to range, I cannot get a ESP32 to reach wifi,

Therefor, I thought I would go for something DIN mounted in the switchboard. What are my options with esphome?

I was also looking at something like this, which is using modbus to communicate, I can then use a RS485 to UART converter onto a ESP32 to read the data.

Your thouhts?


Does it have to be esphome? What about a Shelly EM?

Honestly, I would prefer esphome.

Just because everything I use is esphome, I know it operates 100% offline, and I know it well. But, I guess it also depends on what my options are.

I did look at the Shelly EM, do you just wire the phase directly into these or do they need clamps attached?

The device is powered by mains, but detects energy use via the clamps. Shelly is 100 percent local.

hmmm, I mean I can get away with hardwired as im installing in the swtichboard, clamps makes it messy.

Perhaps your idea at the start of the thread is best then.

Yea, maybe. I will see. Also thinking a basic power meter with a 1000 /imp led in the switchboard and then HA glow on that.

Except that device needs current transformers too

You mean to power the esp? like 5v?

No. To measure the current and phase angle. So you can calculate power, so you can calculate energy.

Seriously, you should look at the Shelly. It ticks all your boxes:

  1. Din mount
  2. Feed through wiring.


That looks good.

Damn they are spenny!

Also if you absolutely must, you can load ESPHome as alternate firmware. Add support for the Shelly 4PM (images attached) · Issue #1784 · esphome/feature-requests · GitHub