ESPhome and ESP8285

I apologize if the topic has already been discussed but I can’t find it! With China came clone sonoff base RF R2 power. But in the constructor ESPhome can’t create a firmware of the chip, respectively ESP8285 nothing works!

Really? You don’t tell us what device you have. You don’t tell us what esp yaml file you tried to flash, and no log file of the attempt to flash.

WTF - do you think we have crystal balls?


ESP8285 is the same as 8266 but it has 1MB flash built in.
Use this as this works for me:

  name: <NAME_OF_NODE>
  platform: ESP8266
  board: esp01_1m

The result is!

  • Chip Family: ESP8266
  • Chip Model: ESP8285
  • Chip ID: 00C6C016
  • MAC Address: :::::
    Uploading stub…
    Unexpected error: Error putting ESP in stub flash mode: Failed to write to target RAM (result was 0107)

You have to be more clear with you question.

First it looked like you where unable to compile the firmware with ESPhome…
Now it appears that you are unable to flash the firmware into the ESP-module itself.

So if you start over with your issue, where is the problem?
Have you made a compiled firmware with ESPhome?
Have you booted the ESP-module into flash-mode before flashing? (pull GPIO2 to ground then apply power)

I always use this for my esp8285 base boards and never had problems

  platform: ESP8266
  board: esp8285

Are there no moderators in this group ^^^^rather rough and uncalled for wouldn’t you say?


Dude, you’re digging up a 2 year old thread.

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years later…no don’t care how long ago it was

used to. Today it’s even shorter: :pinching_hand:

  board: esp8285
