ESPHome and simple LED

Hello everyone!

I would like to integrate a simple monochromatic LED (like this: – of course attached with a 200 ohm resistor) in my ESPHome to show the status (via MQTT?) of the alarm in homeassistant (actually is just the status of an automation!)… any idea of what can I do?

Any suggestions?

seems simple enough… You dont need MQTT because esphome already has a native integration with HA. Using a esp8266 and something like this as the code (see the docs how to use the wizard, then add the led specific configuration):

- platform: esp8266_pwm
  id: my_led
  pin: GPIO13

- platform: monochromatic
  name: "Alarm led"
  output: my_led
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It works!!
Thanks a lot

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How you do it?
I have esp8266 and simple led on the bord pin D7.
What the code you used in Arduino burn device?

is there a way to do this on esp32?

I think so. But instead of using the esp8266_pwm platform you should use ledc platform. Check this:

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This worked for me

  - platform: ledc
    pin: GPIO32
    id: gpio_32

  - platform: monochromatic
    output: gpio_32
    id: LED1
    name: "LED"
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