ESPHome blank screen in Home Assistant


Home Assistant installs ESPHome, and then it’s simply broken. Blank screen and the + button does nothing.

Current version: 2021.10.2
HA Core = core-2021.10.6

Running on a Raspberry Pi4, 4GB, and viewed on macOS Catalina 10.15.7 on Safari @ http://homeassistant.local:8123/a0d7b954_esphome/dashboard

Log files totally oblivious to anything being wrong, and screenshot as attached. Re-installed no less than 5 times now, and installed ESPHome as very first thing.

Any help much appreciated…


Clear the browser cache.

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Got any other ideas?? I viewed HA from Windows 10, and Unbuntu (on a different computer/browser) and actually from a Raspberry Pi 400… Still nothing on the ESPHome dashboard.

Has it ever worked? Reinstall attempted? Direct access either by clicking the link from the addon page

or using your.ha.ip:6052 instead of 8123?

connection refused on that port… Any other ideas?

Same problem here, accessing the esphome addon via Nabu Casa’s cloud shows text etc., but when accessed via my other (cloudflare) URL, it only shows a black screen.