ESPHome Bluetooth Proxies Problem

I Bought 4 x Xiaomi LYWSD03 Thermometer

I Bought 2 x ESP32 Devkit v1 (I have 2 floors and bought for each floor)

1.Step: I setup my ESP cards as “ESPHome Bluetooth Proxies” on this website:

2.Step: I add my ESP32 cards as “ESPHome Bluetooth Proxies” to my HomeAssistant

(I did 1st and 2nd step %100 same with this video:

I put 1 ESP32 card to 1st floor and 1 ESP32 cards to 2nd floor

3.Step: I flashed my thermometers as ATC in here:

4.Step: I add “Bluetooth Low Energy Monitor” to my HomeAssistant


I can see my devices under “Bluetooth Low Energy Monitor”

When they are all in first floor they all work, but when I put my thermometers to 2nd floor, 1st floor is working but 2nd floor not.

What should I do now?

1st floor ESP32 card is working at 1st floor and I can see it “online” in homeasssistant
1st thermometer is in “Salon” (Saloon) and it is working without any problem and it is in 1st floor.

2nd floor ESP32 card is working at 2nd floor and I can see it “online” in homeasssistant
2nd thermometer is in Giyinme Odası (dressing room),
3rd thermometer is in Yatak Odası (bedroom)
4th thermometer is in Ofis (Office) they are all in 2nd floor and they are not working.

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And when I unplugged ESP32 both 1st floor still working 2nd floor not. I guess HA doesnt get this informations from ESP32 it takes itself.

Do I have to do a connection between HA Bluetooth Low Energy and ESP32