ESPHome Bluetooth proxy needs to be reconfigured

One of my ESPHome Bluetooth proxies is asking to be reconfigured in the integrations/devices screen. The dialog is asking for the API key. I checked the YAML for the device and there’s no


block. How do I remedy this? Do I need to reflash the ESP32? Is there a way to generate an api key?

And a follow-up question: Is it recommended to adopt all of your discovered ESPHome-flashed devices into the ESPHome Builder addon? I had been doing this, but it seems like it’s making things difficult. I tried updating the bluetooth proxy and it can’t find the package. Where would I look to know that the package URI changed and what it changed to?

  esphome.bluetooth-proxy: github://esphome/bluetooth-proxies/esp32-generic/esp32-generic.yaml@main

Is there at least an api: line? You will need that if it connects via the ESPHome integration.

There’s no api: block. It’s been working with whatever the initial flashing via the web tool set up.

  name: esp32-bluetooth-proxy-370ec8
  esphome.bluetooth-proxy: github://esphome/bluetooth-proxies/esp32-generic/esp32-generic.yaml@main
  name: ${name}
  name_add_mac_suffix: false

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

  platform: esphome

Ok - there’s an api: line in that package. So not that - sorry. The default for that package is no encryption so unsure why it’s asking for a key.

In the ESPHome “Builder”, right click the ellipsis menu for that device and choose “Validate”. It will show you the full yaml for that device.

Sorry - missed that question. Pre-built packages are here: bluetooth-proxies/esp32-generic at main · esphome/bluetooth-proxies · GitHub

Thanks for the help. I ended up needing to completely remove it from ESPHome and Home Assistant then re-flash and re-add.