ESPhome bluetooth tracker with Govee & HA BT proxy

I don’t have a dedicated BT adapter for HA, instead I’m using BT proxies to detect Govee Indoor Hygrometer Thermometer(s) I have a dedicated BT proxy that I used to test this and it works fine with the Govee BT integration, I can see the 2 devices that are close by and information is great.

However, I have a ESP32 device in the garage that is a POE ESP32, I want to also make that a BT proxy for the same reason. it was not working, So I set the logger to VVB and saw that it was actually pulling in BT traffic. this was in the logs

[22:20:41][V][esp32_ble:331]: (BLE) gap_event_handler - 3
[22:20:41][W][component:237]: Component esp32_ble took a long time for an operation (462 ms).
[22:20:41][W][component:238]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[22:20:41][W][esp32_ble_tracker:117]: Too many BLE events to process. Some devices may not show up.

followed by a bunch of BT data, so the device is clearly seeing BT traffic.

My question is how do i filter to only track a single BT MAC address for Govee devices? looking at the docs, I see binary and regular sensors for platforms (not for govee). I also see automation on BLE receive do this or do that. I only want ESP home device to send the advertised data to HA govee integration for a specific device, as it does with the general scanner.

well never mind about all of that. my issue was that ESPhome device was not picked up automatically. when I manually added the IP, to the ESPhome integration. my Govee devices popped right up.
leaving post for anyone else who may run into this.
thanks to the redditor who gave the wrong answer to a question, but was what was right for me!