Esphome BTE tracker

Hi all,
I have setup an ESP32 with ESPHOME generated binary in order to track bluetooth IDs near my home entrance. I chose the board type nodemcu-32s, and set the bluetooth tracker, as well as 3 other sensors (RCWL for movements, LDR for light, and DHT22 for temperature and humidity). It worked just once and then, nothing is detected anylonger after the first time. I have a few device around working on bluetooth, and I dont understand why the tracker is mute.
Here is the ESPHOME yaml:

  name: esp32multisensor
  platform: ESP32
  board: nodemcu-32s



  level: debug

  ssid: "RFHA"
  password: "XXXXXX"

# Enable Home Assistant API
  reboot_timeout: 0s

  - platform: sntp
    id: sntp_time
    timezone: Europe/Zurich

# Bluetooth Tracker          
  scan_interval: 10s 
  id: BTE_HUB

# Example configuration entry
  - platform: status
    name: "multisensor Status"
# Hard sensors
  - platform: gpio
    pin: GPIO22
    name: "RCWL Sensor"
    device_class: motion  
      - delayed_on: 100ms
      - delayed_off: 30ms

  - platform: dht
    pin: GPIO23
      name: "Temperature"
      name: "Humidity"
    update_interval: 90s
    model: AM2302

  - platform: adc
    update_interval: 60s
    pin: GPIO32
    name: "Illuminance"
    unit_of_measurement: lx
      - lambda: |-
          return 1400 - ( (x / 10000.0) * 14000000.0 );

Does anyone have a positive experience on the ESP32 as a BTE tracker? Did I make any obvious mistake in the yaml script?

Thanks in advance,

Iā€™m not an expert here, but doesnā€™t the ā€˜show logsā€™ button in the esphome frontend show you any relevant information?

From what I understood from the docs this is the expected behaviour. You use the esp32_ble_tracker to scan for devices and then you use the ble_presence to detect if the device is there or away. Also note that the scan time is 300s (5 minutes).

Try it without the scan_interval. I am using it on my ā€˜Mi_Flora Serverā€™ and it works nicely without the scan_interval in there.

EDIT: it looks like 300s is the default scan_interval if nothing is specified so I guess for your application having it set to 10s is required, maybe you would even want it set lower

Thank you all for your involvementā€¦
The intent pursued is that I clearly want to make a system capable to report to HA the list of BTE Mac addresses round the door. This is possible in pure coding (see , I thought the ESPHOME enabled the same such as what we have with remote_receiver/dump_all function for RF signals. If not, it means maybe the ESPHOME isnā€™t the right tool for doing this.

@Clyra, totally right, the example in esphome site show that, following the listening command, ble_presence gives the status of the mac addresses in target.

But even this is not working for me, I dont get any binary sensor status backward that says ā€œyour mac ID is thereā€, hence I removed the code from the yaml, and was looking to get in the debug log the sniffed mac addresses aroundā€¦ but nothing comes.

It might pay to pursue ESPhome. Here are a few lines from the logs of my ESP32 which is scanning for BLE devices:

[15:52:34][D][esp32_ble_tracker:470]: Found device 41:31:49:B2:1C:F4 RSSI=-90
[15:52:34][D][esp32_ble_tracker:491]: Address Type: RANDOM
[15:52:34][D][esp32_ble_tracker:470]: Found device 5D:14:B0:71:56:4B RSSI=-90
[15:52:34][D][esp32_ble_tracker:491]: Address Type: RANDOM
[15:52:36][D][esp32_ble_tracker:470]: Found device 73:AA:9F:9E:CF:9F RSSI=-91
[15:52:36][D][esp32_ble_tracker:491]: Address Type: RANDOM
[15:52:37][D][esp32_ble_tracker:470]: Found device 6D:E4:80:4D:CD:F4 RSSI=-84
[15:52:37][D][esp32_ble_tracker:491]: Address Type: RANDOM
[15:52:40][D][esp32_ble_tracker:470]: Found device 76:9D:28:5F:A6:0D RSSI=-71
[15:52:40][D][esp32_ble_tracker:491]: Address Type: RANDOM
[15:52:42][D][esp32_ble_tracker:470]: Found device 44:04:84:26:04:DA RSSI=-78
[15:52:42][D][esp32_ble_tracker:491]: Address Type: RANDOM
[15:52:43][D][esp32_ble_tracker:470]: Found device 70:E3:0A:55:66:32 RSSI=-71
[15:52:43][D][esp32_ble_tracker:491]: Address Type: RANDOM
[15:52:47][D][esp32_ble_tracker:470]: Found device 90:CD:B6:5A:63:AE RSSI=-94
[15:52:47][D][esp32_ble_tracker:491]: Address Type: PUBLIC

So you can see that it does pick them up. Since Iā€™m not using it for detecting devices, only to receive data from Mi Flora plant sensors, I donā€™t do anything with the MAC address/device detection.

There is very recent thread about using esp32 and esphome for room detection. Search.

Thanks Dave, that comforts me, this is exactly what I am trying to get. I will investigate why these messages dont come to meā€¦

Hi Nick, just did (again), and found these: [monitor] Reliable, Multi-User, Distributed Bluetooth Occupancy/Presence Detection

Thatā€™s the closest from what I want to do, but based on a shell command line script. I think I will go this way, after investigating why my ESP32 doesnt provide the debug logs as Dave gets.
Thanks again for your help, Nick.

Hi again,

I use BLE keychain tags to detect presence, but my tool of choice is OpenMQTTGateway (OMG!). I think that 10s is a too small scan time. Try with a 30s or 1m scan time. Be aware that ESP32 has a design problem because it uses the same antena/radio (not sure about the details) to both BLE and wifi so it can do only one of those at a given time. It works but sometimes the results are not so good as my old esp8266 with external ble module.

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The documentation said:
If you donā€™t see these messages, your device is unfortunately currently not supported.
I had the same problem fixed with platform: esp32, board:nodemcu-32s

As you wonā€™t show us your logs, how do you expect help?

If your esp32 with esp32_ble_tracker: isnā€™t doing ble scans your esp32 is broken, or your setup is wrong, or you arenā€™t reading the logs properly. PS 10s may be too frequent, as the scan takes a while.

And no, that thread was not the one I meant, but if I see it again I will post.

I think you are right Nick, thereā€™s a problem with the ESP32 I am using. It is a DOIT V1 Devkits, and I dont get the esp_ble_tracker data. I turned it up and down, with different board type definitions, and data still doesnt come in the logs. Someone suggested me to hold the button ā€œbootā€ pressed when starting the flash, I still have to try that.

Having to hold the boot button when starting the flash is only required if it wont flash at all. I had that issue the first time I flashed my ESP32 but never used it since on the same device (ie: to flash OTA). If you are getting a successful flash I donā€™t see that button fixing anything. Happy to be proven wrong though

Iā€™m using the ESPHome BTE tracker on my ESP32 to track my Mi Band 4 and itā€™s been solid. I also use Monitor.