Esphome-cc1101 - unable to transmit or receive

So im running this for the esphome-cc1101 433mhz transceiver.

dbuezas/esphome-cc1101 Public

I have connected my my cc1101 as per the YAML, board is below

CC1101 Wireless Transceiver Module with SMA Antenna For Arduino 433MHZ (

to 2x ESP8266 (WeeMos D1 Mini)

So, 1 ESP has 1 cc1101 attached, the other esp also has a cc1101 as above attached.

I have installed the library and flashed the default YAML in the REPO to both ESPs.

When opening one ESP, and choosing the Garage binary sensor,

And on another device opening the other ESP and choosing the Garage Button,

When I press the button, the Garage sensor does not change state.

Any ideas on this one?
This is all stock, untouched configuration from the repo, the library and YAML is all stock.


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So if I open the LOG on the ESP im using as a receiver, I can see its receiving the RAW code, which seems to spit out a random value each time. The code for the value being sent it.

code: [415,-300,370,-300,375,-300,378,-300,378,-300,379,-300,405]

But still, my output is not activating.

Is there a way to just make this a static code? Like 100?


What is your expected result, exaclty?
How do you assess that the binary sensor does not change value on the receiving side?

Im just viewing the entity state in HA

Per ESPHome

Did you check the history of the sensor?

Yes, but not once did it turn on.

Paste the log, please

Ok sorry ive just tried to reporoduce and im no longer getting the code received by the receiver.

In the log of my transmitter, It states to be sending the command.

[23:43:09][D][button:010]: 'Garage' Pressed.
[23:43:09][D][remote_transmitter:075]: Sending remote code...
[23:43:10][D][button:010]: 'Garage' Pressed.
[23:43:10][D][remote_transmitter:075]: Sending remote code...
[23:43:11][D][button:010]: 'Garage' Pressed.
[23:43:11][D][remote_transmitter:075]: Sending remote code...

Ok sorry its receiving now. Here is the log.

[23:50:29][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 4261
[23:50:30][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 4236
[23:50:30][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 4238
[23:50:30][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 4220
[23:50:30][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 4221
[23:50:30][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 4217
[23:50:30][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 4220
[23:50:31][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 4203
[23:50:31][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 4247
[23:50:32][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 4230
[23:50:32][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 4246
[23:50:32][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 4222
[23:50:32][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 4214
[23:50:33][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 4238

Thank you!

Transmitter YAML

  name: rf-transmitter
  platform: ESP8266
  board: d1_mini
    - cc1101.h
    - SPI
    - "SmartRC-CC1101-Driver-Lib"

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password


  - platform: custom
    lambda: |-
      auto my_sensor = new CC1101(
        D5, // SCK
        D6, // MISO
        D7, // MOSI
        D3, // CSN
        D1, // GDO0
        D2, // GDO2
        200, // bandwidth_in_khz
        433.92 // freq_in_mhz
      return {my_sensor};
      id: transciver
      internal: true
  - pin: D1 # This is GDO0
    carrier_duty_percent: 100%

  - pin: D1 # This is GDO0
      # on the esp8266 use any of D1,D2,D5,D6,D7,Rx
      # Don't use D3,D4,D8,TX, boot often fails.
      # Can't be D0 or GPIO17 b/c no interrupts
      - raw
  - platform: template
    name: Garage
      - lambda: get_cc1101(transciver).beginTransmission();
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
          code: [415,-300,370,-300,375,-300,378,-300,378,-300,379,-300,405]
      - lambda: get_cc1101(transciver).endTransmission();

Receiver YAML

  name: rf-receiver
  platform: ESP8266
  board: d1_mini
    - cc1101.h
    - SPI
    - "SmartRC-CC1101-Driver-Lib"

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password


  - platform: custom
    lambda: |-
      auto my_sensor = new CC1101(
        D5, // SCK
        D6, // MISO
        D7, // MOSI
        D3, // CSN
        D1, // GDO0
        D2, // GDO2
        200, // bandwidth_in_khz
        433.92 // freq_in_mhz
      return {my_sensor};
      id: transciver
      internal: true
  - pin: D1 # This is GDO0
    carrier_duty_percent: 100%

  - pin: D1 # This is GDO0
      # on the esp8266 use any of D1,D2,D5,D6,D7,Rx
      # Don't use D3,D4,D8,TX, boot often fails.
      # Can't be D0 or GPIO17 b/c no interrupts
      - raw
  - platform: remote_receiver
    name: Garage
      code: [415,-300,370,-300,375,-300,378,-300,378,-300,379,-300,405]

Receiver is pretty random, indeed.
Are you sure it’s wired properly? Otherwise, I’m clueless

I am 100% sure it is wired correctly, ive been over it 3 times haha.

I’m lost.

im trying to do something similar on my HA setup, control the garage door which is RF based.

i have the transmitter / receiver code working with the CC1101, it spits to the console all the RF codes it receives from many sensors in my home and from my neighbour’s…

23:33:51][W][component:237]: Component remote_receiver took a long time for an operation (171 ms).
[23:33:51][W][component:238]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[23:33:51][I][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 147, -375, 200
[23:33:52][I][remote.raw:028]: Received Raw: 76, -2670, 101, -305, 51, -6898, 127, -279, 76, -151, 75, -51, 1083, -101, 657, -77, 905, -50, 599, -376, 76, -276, 349, -200, 324, -7398, 826, -75, 655, -7967, 50, -429, 101, -1858, 150, -200, 2247, -75, 576, -303, 51, -403, 604, -151, 
[23:33:52][I][remote.raw:041]:   757, -807, 51, -101, 429, -178, 258, -4546, 374, -200, 579
[23:33:52][I][remote.raw:028]: Received Raw: 75, -428, 4786, -374, 526, -50, 842, -300, 276, -250, 375, -325, 100, -125, 100, -50, 125, -225, 100, -1275, 50, -376, 50, -655, 325, -375, 505, -854, 50, -604, 50, -226, 50, -228, 126, -5262, 50, -101, 150, -126, 202, -3037, 3658, -50, 
[23:33:52][I][remote.raw:041]:   199, -376, 150, -621, 620, -50, 798, -5237, 126, -100, 101, -8461, 300, -150, 175, -403, 125, -874, 125, -849, 99, -973, 101, -225, 76, -453, 472, -50, 374, -100, 1119, -50, 1002, -6192, 1128, -152, 126
[23:33:52][I][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 51, -479, 885, -51, 1740, -51, 378, -3389, 732, -100, 227, -76, 228
[23:33:52][I][remote.raw:028]: Received Raw: 50, -202, 76, -152, 126, -151, 649, -76, 2315, -451, 2445, -1152, 3844, -300, 50, -450, 75, -373, 50, -274, 75, -124, 100, -651, 50, -326, 74, -274, 50, -426, 199, -967, 175, -51, 2671, -124, 1572, -74, 4128, -126, 1911, -76, 101, -6949, 
[23:33:52][I][remote.raw:041]:   600, -101, 353, -201, 152, -1502, 197, -50, 174, -474, 76
[23:33:52][I][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 126, -6276, 126, -100, 51, -127, 51, -177, 1058, -74, 699, -50, 1384, -322, 1309, -76, 429, -51, 402, -76, 1260, -101, 150, -331, 175,

how can i find the code pattern for my garage remote ?

Just push the button and you will see the received raw code…

the logs spits 10 lines every second…
how can i distinguish anything to see its garage door ?
is there some specific pattern to it

It’s the one that is different from the previous ones.
You could also take your receiver and remote to some place, where there are no other transmitters nearby.
Or try with:

dump: rc_switch