Esphome CLI from HA

A simple question which I can’t find an answer to.

I have HA running with HA OS and I’m using the ESPHome add-on too.

What’s the way to get to the CLI so I can use esphome commands from there.

The addon does not have a CLI, if you want that you will have to install it on your PC:

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Thanks! Still learning ESPHome, this looks like it’ll be handy to have.

Would this help setting up new boards, instead of going through the browser, which now requires SSL?

Yes it is an amazing project.

Requires SSL?

I’m using the addon without SSL.

Sorry to contradict you @tom_l , but you can enter the esphome container and run the commandline.

docker exec -it addon_15ef4d2f_esphome-dev bash
cd config/esphome
esphome logs test.yaml

Well there you go. That’s two new things I’ve learn’t in as many days. Does it require turning off protection mode in the SSH addon?

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I use web terminal & ssh and yes, the docker command does require protection mode off.

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I had to use:

docker exec -it addon_a0d7b954_esphome bash

I am a noob at Docker. Not sure this is identical throughout all HA installations.
If not, a list of Docker containers can be retrieved through:

docker container ls -a

The difference is that I am using the esphome-dev addon, it has a different docker id/name to the usual esphome addon. But you got there :slight_smile:

Hint - in most linux shells, the tab key will auto complete. IE type docker exec -it add<tab> you will be presented with the options to complete the line. You may need to hit <tab> twice. It is repeatable when you have typed a few more characters. (It is hard to explain until you actually do it).

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Thank @nickrout. I was aware of tab auto complete but nice explanation.
Now I am trying to compile / upload in a batch from the CLI.
More difficult than expected. Will see…

One problem is that…

esphome compile xyz.yaml

… does not compile into the same path as the HA addon does. Instead it uses a sub-path .pioenvs within that add-on path. So all downloads and compilations are run again even if they were already done from the web frontend. Any ideas how I can change that path?

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I opened an issue report on that problem (see below).
In that ticket @jesserockz comments with a solution using export ESPHOME_IS_HA_ADDON=true.
Unfortunately that does not completely solve the problem. But it is an improvement. See the ticket for details.

For those who are interested:

Here is an example of how I batch compile from a terminal connected to Home Assistant with the ESPHome add-on installed. (You also need the add-on SSH & Web Terminal installed so you can connect with a terminal from your PC/Mac/*nix.)

docker exec -it addon_5c53de3b_esphome bash
cd config/esphome
for config in smoke-*.yaml; do echo "----- COMPILE ----- $config -----"; if esphome compile $config; then echo "----- UPLOAD ----- $config -----"; esphome upload $config --device ${config%.*}.local; fi; done

This example will batch compile all YAML files with names that start with “smoke-”.

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I receive a ‘command not found’ when trying to do so…

Tell us exactly what you did? Which command was not found?

I am using two scripts to compile and do other things for my esphomes, stored in homeassistant config/esphome directory.

First script is for single esphome entity, save this script as makesingle

type ./makesingle to see instructions on usage

#! /bin/bash

if [ "$HOSTNAME" != 5c53de3b-esphome ]; then

SCRIPT=$(realpath "$0")
SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )

COMMANDS="compile upload clean config logs run"

 if ! [[ " $COMMANDS " =~ .*\ $1\ .* && $# -eq 2 ]]; then
  echo "Usage:"
   echo "$0 $COMMAND <filename.yaml>"
  echo "Example:"
  echo "$0 "${COMMANDS%% *}" <filename.yaml>"
  exit 0
 if ! [[ -f $2 ]]; then
  echo "File not found $2"
  exit 0
 docker exec addon_5c53de3b_esphome /bin/sh $SCRIPT $1 $SCRIPT_DIR/$2
 export ESPHOME_IS_HA_ADDON=true
 export PLATFORMIO_PLATFORMS_DIR="${pio_cache_base}/platforms"
 export PLATFORMIO_PACKAGES_DIR="${pio_cache_base}/packages"
 export PLATFORMIO_CACHE_DIR="${pio_cache_base}/cache"

 esphome $1 $2

# For interactive session to esphome
# docker exec -it addon_5c53de3b_esphome bash

Second script name is makeall. This is useful when I want to compile or upload all my esphomes in one go. You need to edit this script with your esphome.yaml names inside.

#! /bin/bash
SCRIPT=$(realpath "$0")

COMMANDS="compile upload clean config"

if [ "$HOSTNAME" != 5c53de3b-esphome ]; then
 if ! [[ " $COMMANDS " =~ .*\ $1\ .* ]]; then
  echo "Usage:"
   echo "$0 $COMMAND"
  echo "Example:"
  echo "$0 "${COMMANDS%% *}""
  exit 0
 docker exec addon_5c53de3b_esphome /bin/sh $SCRIPT $1
 export ESPHOME_IS_HA_ADDON=true
 export PLATFORMIO_PLATFORMS_DIR="${pio_cache_base}/platforms"
 export PLATFORMIO_PACKAGES_DIR="${pio_cache_base}/packages"
 export PLATFORMIO_CACHE_DIR="${pio_cache_base}/cache"

 esphome $1 /config/esphome/bedroom-ac.yaml
 esphome $1 /config/esphome/livingroom-ac.yaml
 esphome $1 /config/esphome/sonoff-tv-2.yaml
 esphome $1 /config/esphome/sonoff-tv-3.yaml

# For interactive session to esphome
# docker exec -it addon_5c53de3b_esphome bash

Docker is the command that is not being found.

You need to be using advanced ssh and web terminal and turn off protection mode.

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Has anybody here gotten any idea where the compiled firmware files go? Can I find them somewhere in the file system of HA or the ESPHome docker container?

You can find compiled bin files here:

docker exec -it addon_5c53de3b_esphome bash
cd /data/build

each project has own folder, for example inverter project binaries are here:

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Might have found them:

docker exec -it addon_5c53de3b_esphome bash
cd /data/NODENAME/.pioenvs/NODENAME/

(Replace NODENAME with your ESPHome node name.)

The path in the previous posting is correct. Mine here is wrong. Please ignore!