ESPHome collect overall energy usage

I have several older ESPhome plugs that collect info about actual energy usage and daily energy usage. So they reset every day. Also I can not see them in new energy dashboard. SO I tried to create a new template sensor that uses the daily energy data, but because that gets reseted every day it does not work.

Is there a config on esphome for adding overall energy collector? Is there a way to get the config from the plug for esphome to update them? I can still access the web ui on the plug, if not I need to restart with the configuration.

Or should I just go with a utility meter and reset it every year?

I just updated some smart plugs to ESPHome v1.20.4 an use the total_daily_energy sensor. And I could then add these sensors to the Energy dashboard.
It doesn’t matter that they reset every day because the Energy dashboard does support sensors that provide a “last reset” date.

So they work correct even with the daily reset to 0? I have template sensor with last reset date but the date is not updating. The sensors are reset to 0 every day and then show wrong values in energy dashboard.

Yes, they show up just fine for me. (There are actually some UI refresh issues when going back in time, but that’s ann issue with the UI, not the sensors.)

Is your last reset date updating with the reset? Mine stays at the initial date. maybe that’s why it is working for you but not for me.

Yes. Here an example:

That last reset time translates to midnight early morning today in my timezone.

OK then I need to check how my template sensor attribute can been updated