ESPHome configuration Shelly 1 Plus 0-10V Dimmer

I have a ventilation system which I want to automate with a 0-10V dimmer.

I found this Shelly:

And I was wondering if this is supported in Esphome and if anyone has a working config. I can’t seem to find anything on the web unfortunately.


Most shellys work with HA without esphome, although I am not sure about that device. I think it is quite new.

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I’ve bought a few… I haven’t found any code online, but I’ll try to search for some schematics and then make a esphome config out of it. Have you found something?

Does it work out of the box with home assistant?

Yes, perfectly! Fast and real time :wink:

I just have now bought 70 of them, and I want to configure them automatically with name, ip, WiFi etc… this is why I want to flash them with esphome !

Not sure how esphome helps, but this may help

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Esphome helps with the command line substitutions, very useful in this case :wink:

Thank you for the link BTW, having the pinout really speeds up everything!!