Hello all, once again hoping this fantastic community can help with a problem I seem to have.
I’m not sure if it’s a ESPHome problem but this is my problem;
I have a few sonoffs around the house and have some Node Red sequences that run from their state. The sonoffs are flashed with ESPHome latest and for some reason they seems to repeatedly go from a “unavailable” state back to their original state “on” (when the relay is switched on, same if they are off). I have googled as much as I can to see if it was an issue with either my WiFi Coverage (I have Unifi equipment of 1 AP and 2 AP LR’s) which I feel it is not as the one sonoff is literally less than 1 metre away. Or if it was a problem with ESPHome itself. There are posts commenting that this is a bug(?) with the recent ESPHome version however trying everything they offered to counter:
ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_passwd
domain: !secret wifi_domain
power_save_mode: none
fast_connect: true
reboot_timeout: 45min
gateway: !secret wifi_gateway
subnet: !secret wifi_subnet
dns1: !secret wifi_dns01
dns2: !secret wifi_dns02
So, this is my current state history of one of the sonoffs (there are 6 in total):
As I said, I use NodeRed to control this function so to maybe help this was my flow (disconntected the nodes as it kept resetting the flow all over again)
I asked on Discord (and will probably post a thread on the forums)to potentially add a delay or some way to check the state hasn’t gone down or something and someone lead me onto the Trigger node of which I adjusted my flow accordingly here:
I also read that adding reboot_timeout: 0s under api may resolve this, as long as you’re comfortable resetting it from time to time. I’d do anything to stop this from happening as I just recently migrated from Tasmota to ESPHome and hope it wasn’t all for a new problem as trying to get away from using MQTT anymore.
Anything anyone can suggest would be welcome and happy to try - just want to put this to bed now.
Thanks in advance