So I got the crazy idea to let ESPHome controll my curing chamber for biltong and other meats.
As you can see the temp should be controllable and also the humidity, to lower it I simply use a fan to suck in more of the outside indoor air and to heighten it just shut of the fan.
I guess the simplest method would be to do something like this for the fan?
- platform: gpio
pin: GPIO3
name: "Curing chamber fan"
id: chamber_fan_1
- platform: dht
name: "Curing chamber Humidity"
- above: 80
- switch.turn_on: chamber_fan_1
- below: 60
- switch.turn_off: chamber_fan_1
But if we wanted it simple we wouldn’t be here trying to automate everything, right?
Would it be possible for example to use the built in PID component but for humidity and a PWM controlled fan?
Oh and as a bonus teaser, I’ve bought a bunch of load cells to get instant readings of the weight loss