Has anyone used a ESP32 controlled relay to control the boiler? Afterall the boiler thermostat is a relay controlled by a thermometer. I was wondering if anyone can share their experience.
There is a device available combining a relay and ESP32 on a single board which looks interesting for a boiler thermostat
I have a d1mini running my heating, via a relay. It runs tasmota not esphome but no real difference in operation. Its been running for about 3 years so far, maybe a bit longer. Works fine and never failed to warm my house. And only a few hundred £ cheaper than an off the shelf thermostat.
I Try to use same Thermostat for my Boiler , but to my case i do have an wooden heated oven. To some reason (cant find out) it swtiches to early of the circulation pump. So there is still a lot of energy combustion chamber. So afte a while the oven gets to hot inside, cause circulations is of.
But if i try to use the climate: somehow esphome got a border of 30 degree.
I was thinking use an Dallas 18b20 measure temperature inside the oven if tmeperatur above 90 degree will switch on pump, less 80 switch off.
How to change the
visual_maximum_temperature ?