ESPHome core vs add on ancient version!

When I had the password depreciation problems some kind person told me look for the new encrypted key in esphome dash, funny enough there was none, so I did not get it why, till I got answers in this forum and then the obvious struck me, and this could become the next problem howto solve this:

In the howto stood a esphome version.

this one is a lot newer then my esphome version I found out, even though auto update is turned on, mine is:

Schermafbeelding 2023-02-03 135728

2022.3 version which had no encrypted key in the dash under the three dots.

the person so kindly helping me showed his version too and look at the differences, plus encrypted key:

I got told that is the core version not the add-on version.
I run the add-on version since the beginning and now it turns out there is a core version.


How do I get this core version running on my raspi 4, I can not find any info on that, or is it only in docker you can do that on another device
How to transition smoothly, so I do not get to loose almost all entities in my HA
where is this core version??? See no mention of it anywhere in ha nor in the store not as third party

please enlighten me and hopefully a few others

Or maybe just update the add-on version of esphome somehow so the great auto update works.

Delete the addon and the old repository.

Install the addon from the official repository.

You will not lose any data or devices.

Update all your devices. Validate each config first though. If you are running such an old version of the addon there may be breaking changes you have to fix.

The version I have is from the official add-on repository too? I never manually did add ESPHome, far too complicated for me. :confused:

How did you flash those devices then?

Quite simple, use install seen my webbrowser is not chrome I rather flash them with a flasher on the usb port, via a *.bin file. Easy later on you flash them OTA.

So you have added esphome, you have to so you can compile the firmware.

Anyway, just follow what @tom_l said.

By the way this notice was repeated at least twice in the esphome changelog.

all I did was

delete the password under the API: in yaml file

Missed that one, thanks!

Did remove esphome completely, did a reinstall… yippee latest version now, had to update all my nodes took half a day, removed all API key settings for there was no key generator to be found or a key when you click show api key in esphome.

Tried a bogus key, just andom numbers and characters sure did work, but compiling the code, uploading, runnning it took longer then before so I removed the API keys from all, solved!