Program in esphome for home assistant

I have an esp32 devkitv1 and I can’t install above a simple program in esphome for home assistant. I write below the code I write but I have this error here. As if a file was missing, at least I think. I also deleted installation files. Thanks a lot, I’ve been testing for days but nothing.

If it a esp32 devkit v1 then this is how I define the board:

  board: esp32doit-devkit-v1

it doesn’t work, in the error it is as if a file was missing but I didn’t understand where the directory is, before “’/data…”

It says it successfully created the bin, so your yaml should be ok.

To me it looks like your esphome has an issue.
Maybe it is outdated (like a lot of people experienced)?

Anyway, i’d still recommend to un-install/re-install it😉

I have several projects above, do I lose them if I uninstall and install?

The config folder is a shared folder for the docker, so that should not be an issue :wink:

Thank you!! this afternoon as soon as I get home I’ll try, hopefully for the best :slight_smile: just to be safe, I’ll save the projects…

works!!! I uninstalled and reinstalled esphome and magically it worked… I’ve been trying to solve this case for weeks…

Glad it worked out !

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