EspHome device not pairing with HA after router restart

Hi, Out of ~30 devices some of them do not reconnect to the Home Assistant after the WiFi router is rebooted.
They connect to the WiFi just fine, they reply to pings, I am also able to see the LOGS / fw-update them, but are not available in the Home Assistant, so the API it not pairing somehow , until I remove them and reconnect the Integration. They do self restart after a while, because of lack of API connection, to no avail.

This started after the API encryption update and switched to the encryption key.

WiFi access is over a WiFi Mesh, with ASUS routers.

Any idea what could go wrong ?

My crystal ball is still in backorder, so we have to do it with your logs…

:crystal_ball: anyone?

Or that :point_up:

Probably the HA core logs tell us why the connections to some of your nodes fail :page_with_curl:

Good point to look in HA logs .
found this entries related to EspHome

2023-06-16 18:21:53.885 WARNING (MainThread) [aioesphomeapi.connection] small-room-blinds-1 @ Connection error occurred: Invalid encryption key
2023-06-16 18:21:53.939 WARNING (MainThread) [aioesphomeapi.connection] chandelier @ Connection error occurred: Invalid encryption key

With the same key, after reintegration, works.

Report to Esphome discord.
check esphome logs too.

Will do that, thank you