ESPHome device shows offline but connected when I check my router

I said above that I use the SAME configuration…
let’s close the discussion, we seem to be getting nowhere.

Certainly not a sane one :joy:

Why not use the native esphome component for that hardware but include external libraries that just will getgot you in trouble on the long run :running_man:

PS.: @Virgil_Popa you are still in the wrong thread :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

When I made this automation, I don’t think this component existed, that’s why I was using this “sane” option.

Thanks for the information.

P.S: As long as I found a solution, it means that I was in the right thread :stuck_out_tongue:

No, it just means it’s tolerated for people to post in the wrong place (like you certainly did) :teacher:

yes, looks like you have a problem with this…
I think I explained quite clearly why I posted here, I’m sorry to bother you, cheers!

I’ve been experiencing this issue consistently for several months. I can confirm that mDNS is working correctly, have set the “use ping” setting, most of my devices are still showing as “offline”.

Had the same issue and tried all sorts of config changes for mdns and ping with no success. Issue fixed with lates version ESPHome 2024.8.0.