Since the last update of ESPhome ( yesterday 2024.2.0) I have serious issues connecting my devices. Any other (mainly Sonoff and Tasmota) don’t seem to have an issue. Anyone having similar issues and understand why this happens?
What symptoms?
Well 2 similar symptoms. Either the devices don’t connect in ESPHome already or if they do connect (most of the time) I get a repair message. I get them a lot and I ignore them because the repair themselves somehow. It is annoying though. It only happens with ESPhome devices. Reconfiguring with the API has no use. Only delete and rediscover but after a while (even the next boot) it starts all over again.
Because I do not have any problems since the update, I am not quite sure I understand. Perhaps some logs or something that can allow some self fault finding or for anybody who sees this post
I seem to have a persistent problem that my esp devices connect poorly where I don’t have that problem with other devices.
I can’t figure out the issues and the logs don’t give inside either
Did you upload new firmware to your esphome devices?
Yes the ones connecting have the latest firmware. I still have 2 devices pending.
They are all updated now. Still it’s massively unstable. Hownis it possible that ESPhome has the devices online and HA keep sending me repair messages. How many times I have deleted and rediscovered devices and the wait until some day they are lost in HA again. It was not like that in the past. I don’t know why or what changed.