ESPHome devices lose their connection

logger disable did not help

I spoke too soon.

Iā€™m going to try and roll back to ESPHome 1.13.6

Just wokeup and checked my logs and its the same.


Are you all running on RPi?

Just checked my dmesg and found this

No Ubuntu on a workstation pc. Have about 25 esphome devices, just having issues with the ones running 1.14.3. Have tried updating all to 1.15 but didnā€™t solve it for me. Canā€™t seem to downgrade to 1.13.6 either, getting an error when the dashboard is about to start, anybody succesfully downgraded to 1.13.6?

I tried, but I get python errors.

Is there a solution for this problem?

Hi @JoeAstor,

I am testing ESPHOME 1.15-dev with latest Platformio (4.3.1) and it looks like it is better in that respect.

I didnā€™t go too much in depth so it could be just a case but I would give it a try

Hello Dee,

Could you please explain how I install version 1.13.6 to hassio?

Thank you

Use the 1.13.6 tag in your docker command.

Hi @stavrosso, it depends. I think the best way is as @nickrout has suggested: install Esphome in docker. If you read the install instructions, you will see that you can specify which version to install as part of the install command.

If you prefer to use the Supervisor menu of HomeAssistant to install the plugin, then you must specify "esphome_version": "v1.13.6"" in the plugin config box. That will ensure that you stay on 1.13.6 and donā€™t accidentally upgrade.

The last way that I can think of is if you have an old snapshot of hassio. You can restore it, but deselect everything except esphome. Itā€™s been a long time since 1.13.6, so, this doesnā€™t seem likely anymore.

Thank you very much. I will give it a try

Hi all,

I too had this annoying issue. All my sonoffs on 1.14 crashed and booted every 3-5 minutes. I tried many things, but finally found a solution which works for me and it is very simpel.
I changed the board type and added arduino_versionā€¦ like this:

  #board: esp01_1m
  board: esp8285
  arduino_version: 2.4.2

They are stable now for several hours!

1 Like

You mean you read the instructions?

I feel very stupid nowā€¦ :sweat_smile: I never saw the generic config instructions, but used a tutorial I found somewhere. Never thought the board type should be different, because it was working flawlessly in previous versions of ESPhomeā€¦ sorryā€¦ maybe someone made the same mistake, so that my post is still a little bit usable. :see_no_evil:

is this new?

I have this currently for Sonoff T1/2/3:

  name: node_name
  platform: ESP8266
  board: esp01_1m
  board_flash_mode: dout

and they workā€¦I am on 1.14.3 though.
I couldnā€™t find any reference about this breaking changes: can someone provide hints?

Having looked further (as you could have) github indcates there was a change to the documentation on 13 March 2020: Update board for Sonoff and links to Tasmota (#484) Ā· esphome/esphome-docs@5aaafb2 Ā· GitHub

There are 2 principal changes that I see,

  1. Changing board from esp01_1m to esp8285 - this seems to depend on which sonoff device you are using. If you google

sonoff esp01_1m esp8285

You will find some indications of the fact that this is device dependent, possibly even between versions of a particular device.

  1. Setting arduino_version to 2.4.2 - I am pretty sure that arduino_version has been identified as an issue for a while, but I am not presently inclined to trawl the esphome issues database for confirmation. Of course that is not just a sonoff issue.

So I donā€™t think it is a breaking issue as such, but more of a clarification to the docs following issues arising.

But I accept your point, having realised that the change is recent, I shouldnā€™t criticise someone for following the previous version if that was current when they set up their configuration.

hi @nickrout,

thanks for your answer.
I have also found this:

Link to EspHome Issue 931

but I am still a bit confused.
I have 9 Sonoff T1/2/3, 2 Sonoff Basic and 1 S20.

All are using this:

  name: node_name
  platform: ESP8266
  board: esp01_1m
  board_flash_mode: dout

and so far I had issues only with Sonoff Basic (2 out of 2) which I solved moving to 1.15-dev and Platform 4.3.1 (if it makes any sense).

But in any case kept the above config.

Now on one side (specially for sonoff T1/2/3 which are into walls boxes and not easy to flash with serialā€¦) I am tempted to change to the latest suggested config:

  name: <NAME_OF_NODE>
  platform: ESP8266
  board: esp8285
  arduino_version: 2.4.2

on the other sideā€¦if working fine golden rule should be ā€œdonā€™t touch itā€

That is why I would like to understand moreā€¦any other hints?
In particular I couldnā€™t find clear reference about your statement:

You will find some indications of the fact that this is device dependent, possibly even between versions of a particular device

So I made some test on a spare Sonoff basic which refused to work with 1.14.3 and my initial config which was working with 1.15-dev and platformio 4.3.1 though.

I rolled back to 1.14.3 firmware and it worked although showing some disconnections which were solved setting WiFi power output to 17db and connection to Fast.
I changed both settings at the same time so not sure which one made the trick but reading on the web I suspect WiFi power output.

So this confirm that, at least with some Sonoff basic, ESPHOME suggested config is betterā€¦why it is I believe we need @OttoWinter to explain.
Also no idea why 1.15-dev is working also with old setup.

I will migrate a second Sonoff to that suggested config and make more testing.
Before migrating all my (working) Sonoff Tā€¦I think I will wait 1.15?

I finally SOLVED this disconnect issue by changing the AP channel to 20mhz instead of AUTO 20/40. I think thereā€™s a bug deep in the ESP8266 Wifi chip or firmware somewhere. More info here:


Iā€™ll try it when I get home tonight.