Esphome devices not showing up on dashboard but are working

Is there away to force esphome to the esphome dashboard? I created the esphome devices in an old installation of home assistant, i have successfully migrated them over and they appear in the integrations but i can’t see them in the dashboard.

Showing up in integration (and working)

Empty Dashboard

You’ll need to add a “new device” and paste the YAML for each device. As long as the name matches they will be picked up.

This assumes you still have a backup of the YAML?


Alternatively just put the device yaml files in config/esphome if you still have them.


True - much easier :slight_smile:

If i don’t have a backup of the YAML can i direct connect to the device and get it or am i about to learn a lesson in the need to backup even stuff like this?

No you can’t get it from the device - sorry,

Let me introduce you to my best friend:

Save me many a time. There are also some add-ons that back up to local shares if you are averse to Google.

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If you have a full backup of your HA they are in there - in the config directory. You can just open the archive file on PC or Mac and extract individual files.

Thank you, a new backing up best friend is very handy i must admit i had gotten a little slack.

I will spin up the old instance and any backups, and learn from this!

had the same issue today…
Restarted the add-on and my devices were again showing up…

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The device integration has nothing to do with the add-on…
The add-on is only used to compile the bin files, which is the software the esp’s runs on

You can compile the bins on any hardware :wink:

Hi. I am having a very similar problem.

I did the initial configuration of my EPS8266 device with ESP Web Tools (not a previous version of HA).
I have then been able to add it to HA (and can see the device Under Settings → Devices → Integrations).

Unfortunately with ESP Web Tools, I don’t remember having the option to save the yaml file.
So any thoughts how I could import the device into the ESPHome add-on ?
Thanks a lot in advance !

ps: just starting with HA, so still trying to learn the ropes with it!

I think having yaml is key. No yaml then you have no ability to reprogram the node. The yaml is not kept on the node

Thank you Julian.
I didn’t see any, but do you know if, when programming a node with ESP Web tools, there is a way to save a yaml there and then ?

If I may.
There is another possibility.
Before visiting this thread I did not know the YAML was fundamental for the dashboard.
So I deleted one device to get rid of some ghost entities (linked to previous tests I did).
When I could not find it anymore in the dashboard I found this thread.
Of course I had no YAML backup…

before giving up I started browsing the esphome addon and…
I found under the hidden esphome folder (.esphome) a “trash” folder and … bazingaaa … the yaml for the device I manually deleted was there.

Hope this can help others, and, however, do backups!


Thanks!!! I had a copy of my YAML and putting it in the config/esphome directory worked perfectly. I can now view my device in the dashboard as well as update and edit the YAML again!

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Unless the ESPHome devices were created within HA, there would be no reason for their yaml files to exist with the HA instance. I have created all of my ESPHome devices on my laptop where it is convenient to attach to USB ports and have editorial access in VSCode. Copying the yaml files to HA config will not be a problem but I wonder if that will be useful since editing, compiling, and running the code outside of HA is more convenient and will not unnecessarily bloat the HA installation. I suppose if I wanted to create or more likely modify an ESPHhome device from a remote location, then it would be beneficial to have the yaml files local to HA.

Does the yaml file name need to match the device name in order for the ESPHome addons to recognize the devices? I created the config/esphome folder and copied the device yaml files there but they are still not visible within the ESPHome addon.

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