Esphome devices unreachable for hassio

today i updated my whole hassio to the latest version.
Now all my esphome devices are offline. I tried with status_use_pin: true and they are back online again in esphome.
But all entities in hassio are still offline. When i add a esphome ip adress by manually adding the ip into the esphome integration, nothing happens, the blue circle keeps spinning.

What can i do?
I am running HA and ESPhome in docker, esphome is in host mode.

ping the esphome.local name in putty is working ok

64 bytes from keukenlampen.lan ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=28.9 ms
64 bytes from keukenlampen.lan ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=2.06 ms

Two suggestions, in order of difficulty:

  1. Configuration / Integrations / ESPHome / … reload integration
  2. Remove and re-install the ESPHome add-on. (harsh, but has worked for me in the past)

Good luck!

Thx, after reinstall and a reboot they are online again