ESPHome Ethernet connectivity feature request

I would start by connecting the pins to your esp32. The pins are marked on the ethernet board by the look of it.

Then there is sample yaml and there is also documentation in the esphome page I have pointed you to.

I would not be sure what to do about clk_mode, but there is full documentation for the device on the waveshare site. I would start with the default.Just give it a go. Even if you blow up an esp32 and one of the lan board, it won’t break the bank!

Hi, could you better explain the difference of the gavanic currents between Wesp32 and olimex? I did not understand what danger I could run.

Hi, could you explain why you should not connect usb and wthernet POE. What effect does the galvanic current create and what is the difference with the WESP 32? Thanks

From what I understand (I haven’t tried it) this could damage your laptop/PC as you are giving it 48v.

48v? How do you connect 48 volts? On the usb port, ethernet or on the pins? What could be the situation to send 48 on this card?

48v would be from poe.

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I see Olimex has a galvanicly isolated version now.

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Hi, I have also purchased an olimex esp32POE. It works great. The only thing is that I can’t give POE power. I currently own a passive POE with adapter and send 5v into olimex via the ethernet cable. What may need to be done? The poe perhaps needs to be enabled in the code. Currently my code is:

ethernet :
  type : LAN8720 
  mdc_pin : GPIO23 
  mdio_pin : GPIO18 
  clk_mode : GPIO17_OUT 
  phy_addr : 0
  power_pin : GPIO12

Thank you!!!

Passive PoE won’t work.

You need PoE with 48V following the PoE af or at specifications.

Any progress? I want to Make same thing

Well just make it then!

I did once without success so I figured that I missed something

No one can help you until you showed us what you did, what the result was and the config you used and the output of your logs.

You think we all have crystal balls?

Ok I’ll post it if I figured it out. I asked minsuke with same problem I was thinking that he worked on it and maybe solved it

Tell us what you did and what problems you had, Maybe someone can help.

This is a development community.

I have successfully flashed esphome to my esp32-poe and activated lan, works great.
I plan to read out the smart meter via infrared (D0, SML protocol). There seems to be no component yet for esphome, however, there is one in tasmota.

Has anyone flashed tasmota on the esp32-poe? I read it should be possible on esp32, but I’m not sure if tasmota supports lan? Is there any precompiled bin around?

Tasmota is for esp8266. It has preliminary esp32 support only AFAIK.

Prebuilt packages for esp32 here: but as far as i can see no ethernet although esp32 has ethernet builtin.

esp32 does NOT have wired ethernet built in, it is supported through an external chip. Also from what I read tasmota esp32 development is very immature/preliminary. Although it is hard to find up to date information.

“The ESP32 only needs a few components to wire it into an Ethernet network. Just a few resistors, capacitors, and an RJ45 jack will take care of most of the work”