ESPHome Ethernet connectivity feature request

Ok I’ll post it if I figured it out. I asked minsuke with same problem I was thinking that he worked on it and maybe solved it

Tell us what you did and what problems you had, Maybe someone can help.

This is a development community.

I have successfully flashed esphome to my esp32-poe and activated lan, works great.
I plan to read out the smart meter via infrared (D0, SML protocol). There seems to be no component yet for esphome, however, there is one in tasmota.

Has anyone flashed tasmota on the esp32-poe? I read it should be possible on esp32, but I’m not sure if tasmota supports lan? Is there any precompiled bin around?

Tasmota is for esp8266. It has preliminary esp32 support only AFAIK.

Prebuilt packages for esp32 here: but as far as i can see no ethernet although esp32 has ethernet builtin.

esp32 does NOT have wired ethernet built in, it is supported through an external chip. Also from what I read tasmota esp32 development is very immature/preliminary. Although it is hard to find up to date information.

“The ESP32 only needs a few components to wire it into an Ethernet network. Just a few resistors, capacitors, and an RJ45 jack will take care of most of the work”

As usual, bad hackaday write up. Read the comments to clarify.

new board from Aliexpress

Cheap enough, but I wonder about galvanic isolation?

Hi, I purchased the following ESP32 development board:
ESPDUINO-32 together with an Arduino ethernet shield.

I’m having troubles in making this work on Ethernet connection. I can flash it, but I am unable the ESP to get any IP. No problems if I flash it for WIFI connection.

I unsuccessfully tried all the configurations indicated on the below ESPHOME page:

Did anybody have this board successfully connected through Ethernet?

Thanks for any support you might give me

Below is the chip information that I get when flashing the unit:

Chip Info:

  • Chip Family: ESP32
  • Chip Model: ESP32D0WDQ5 (revision 1)
  • Number of Cores: 2
  • Max CPU Frequency: 240MHz
  • Has Bluetooth: YES
  • Has Embedded Flash: NO
  • Has Factory-Calibrated ADC: YES
  • MAC Address: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
    Uploading stub…
    Running stub…
    Stub running…
    Changing baud rate to 460800
  • Flash Size: 4MB
  • Flash Mode: dio
  • Flash Frequency: 40MHz

What esp chip does it use?


Sorry I misposted - what ethernet chip does it use?

uhm I don’t know. I will dig into this

How could you even set it up if you don’t know what chip it is using?

forgot to mention that I am a noob and I just tried the configurations shown on the ESPHOME page

Can you point us to the device you bought, and to how you wired it to the esp32?

Looks like it’s the lan8720a

This is the one that I bought:

combined with the W5100 ethernet shield