ESPHome framework and Bluetooth Proxy

I have a very old ESP32 configured that I use to pass data from my temp sensors to HA.
I want to add a Bluetooth Proxy to it but came across this warning about using the correct framework in the docs:

The ESP32 Platform component should be configured to use the esp-idf framework, as the arduino framework uses significantly more memory and performs poorly with the Bluetooth proxy enabled. When switching from arduino to esp-idf , make sure to update the device with a serial cable as the partition table is different between the two frameworks as Over-the-Air Updates updates will not change the partition table.

The docs for the ESP32 Platform say it is optional


And the Arduino docs say it could be either

Currently I have no framework specified, so what will it be defaulting to?

Can I happily reflash the new config with the BT Proxy bit added OTA or should I use a serial connection (which will be very inconvenient).

My current config looks like this:

  board: mhetesp32devkit
  device_name: esp32_01
  friendly_name: esp32_01

#=== Board
  name: ${device_name}
  platform: ESP32
  board: ${board}

PS you can tell it’s an old config from the device_name. It was the first one I ever did pretty much when ESPHome first became a thing. I really should change it’s name :man_shrugging:

It defaults to Arduino. BT Proxy wants ESP-IDF, although I think it CAN work with Arduino? I think it depends on what else the device is doing, how many BT devices it sees, etc.

It MIGHT work to do it OTA, but it also might not (I definitely wouldn’t do it if physical access isn’t feasible). But it’s also recommended (required?) as per the docs you quoted that you do it serially. I would highly recommend doing that.

As an aside, I also just default to using ESP-IDF for all of my projects, both because I almost always set them up as BT Proxies, but also to make it easier to add in the future.

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Yes, it does work with arduino, but although i didn’t experience any drop-off’s or blackouts it’s still preferable to use esp-idf (and that’s what i use, too).
For one it’s absolutely not recommended to use bt proxy and web server with arduino at the same time…here you’re just asking for troubles.