I have a very old ESP32 configured that I use to pass data from my temp sensors to HA.
I want to add a Bluetooth Proxy to it but came across this warning about using the correct framework in the docs:
The ESP32 Platform component should be configured to use the
framework, as thearduino
framework uses significantly more memory and performs poorly with the Bluetooth proxy enabled. When switching fromarduino
, make sure to update the device with a serial cable as the partition table is different between the two frameworks as Over-the-Air Updates updates will not change the partition table.
The docs for the ESP32 Platform say it is optional
And the Arduino docs say it could be either
Currently I have no framework specified, so what will it be defaulting to?
Can I happily reflash the new config with the BT Proxy bit added OTA or should I use a serial connection (which will be very inconvenient).
My current config looks like this:
board: mhetesp32devkit
device_name: esp32_01
friendly_name: esp32_01
#=== Board
name: ${device_name}
platform: ESP32
board: ${board}
PS you can tell it’s an old config from the device_name
. It was the first one I ever did pretty much when ESPHome first became a thing. I really should change it’s name