Esphome integration: missing menu

Hi all. I hope this is not a dumb question.
I have installed Hassio on Raspi3 (HassOS 2.11) and I am trying to integrate a temperature sensor (dht11) using ESPhome and ESP32 Wroom32. I have installed ESPhome and flashed the ESP32. All seemed to go well but having difficulty with the integration. I have watched all the installation videos and there seems to be ‘configuration’ and ‘integration’ menu items I don’t seem to have. (see image). The documentation for ESPhome also includes reference to ‘Menu: Configuration > Integrations’. I have updated my Hassio so I think I have the most recent. Should I see these menu items or has something changed and there is some other way to deal with integrations using ESPhome?

Did you scroll down the left menu? Configuration should be just under

Hi Paul. There doesn’t seem to be any scroll effect at all. When I first installed there was but it has disappeared. Is it possible to have too many menu items?

Hello, did you ever restart your browser? Or maybe reduce the picture with “CTRL” + “-”?

Hi VolkerKa. Yes, I have tried closing, refreshing, minimizing, restarting but cannot get scroll effect or the appearance of these menu items. It appears they are gone. At least I know that they exist. Perhaps I have some corrupted files somewhere. I think I had the scroll effect until I did an upgrade recently. Do you think I need to re-install?

Oh! Unfortunately I can’t help you with that. Good luck and success…

The scroll sometimes doesn’t work when showing Overview. Click the Hass.IO tab then try scrolling.

Also, do you have “config:” in your configuration.yaml?

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brahmafear. That was it!!! I put config: in the yaml, rebooted and Configure showed up in my menu. Thanks so much! Been driving me nuts.
…and thanks everyone else. I learned a lot just following your suggestions.