ESPhome manual_ip Errno 113

I figured out the issue. I thought I was trying to connect directly to the esp, but apparently my cable wasn’t sending data so I kept unknowingly connecting via wifi. Works now that I replace the cable. Thanks@

I have this same issue, but have a shelly with a broken header and a WiFi bulb both of which need OTA updates - any other ideas on fixing this other than a serial flash. Thanks.

how do you manually install it after downloading it? not following sorry

I know this is an old topic but I just found something that has really helped me with ESPHome, in particular, the ESP32 and the BME280 sensor.

After struggling for a couple weeks trying to get the ESP32 to connect to WiFi with errors of route not found plus others i stumbled across a website that will reset the device, lode the factory program using USB to serial connection, then enable WiFi and works like a charm.

Site is ESP Web Tools. This worked great for me, allowing the reset of the EXP32 and then the config for the BMP280 board.

Sorry if this is a know fix but it did elude me for many hours.

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