I’ve looked everywhere, but cannot find the answer. Does Home Assistant support more than 1 Bluetooth proxies? And if yes, how can I get it to work?
I have 2x an m5stack atom lite compiled as Bluetooth Proxy. It looks like that HASS only listens to the first m5stack that comes online, and this one receives the Bluetooth broadcasts. They both work separately from each other. When both are connected, only one is used by HASS.
I need multiple receivers because I cannot cover the whole premises with only one receiving proxy.
When I set the manual ip of to active, the device won’t connect to the WLAN. Because of that, I’ve set the manual IP to disable. In that situation the device gets the dynamic address from the DHCP server. It gets discovered from HASS, but when I want to add it, HASS says it’s not able to connect to the device and I have to enter the IP address and the Port. When I enter and port 6053, it says unable to connect.
he individual device integrations in Home Assistant (such as BTHome) will receive the data from the Bluetooth Integration in Home Assistant which automatically aggregates all ESPHome Bluetooth proxies with any USB Bluetooth Adapters you might have.
That’s from the first paragraph of the esphome BT Proxy Docs… “Proxies” is plural, it means more than 1.
I have 2 Atom M5 Stack devices as Bluetooth proxies and an ESP Presence as a bluetooth proxy too.
They all worked great for 2023, until a recent ESP Home update, and now there is definitely an issue I have many sensors that worked flawlessly that are now very intermittent, despite the placement of the sensors not changing.
I think you can spot when the ESP Home update was done…